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Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services

May 2009

New 18-month Positions Available with IVRS

The Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 has allotted new
18-month positions throughout the State of Iowa. We are seeking Business Specialists, Corporate Trainers and Diversity Recruiters.

View PDF for more information

Open Door to Eastern Iowa: A Community Job Fair will be held May 19

IVRS is teaming with other agencies for a job Fair at Palmer College in Davenport.

View PDF for More Information

IVRS partners with DNR to bring diversity to State Employment

View PDF Story and Photos

More information on how IVRS helps businesses identify, develop and mobilize resources, supports and services that add value to Iowa businesses hiring persons with disabilities.

Picture of Iowa DNR employment participants

Back Row: DNR Supervisor Amy Oliver, Steve Nussbaum, Donna Gomm, DNR Supervisor Ronda Hensley
Front Row: Rachel Bradley and Mary Davis.

SRC holds Legislative Reception at the State Capitol

The State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) held its annual legislative reception at the State Capitol on March 5.

View PDF Story and Photos

Apply for SRC Council Membership:
More information:

Photo of Keith Hyland and Senator Dennis Black at the Legislative Reciption

Keith Hyland with IVRS meets with Iowa State Senator Dennis Black at a reception held March 5.

IVRS rolls out large donation for the Food Bank of Iowa

IVRS employees donated more than 5,500 rolls of bathroom tissue to the Food Bank of Iowa on February 26 and were featured on KCCI TV 8 and in the Des Moines Register.

Read the PDF story

Photo of Barbara Dickerson being interviewed by KCCI about the bathroom tissue drive for the Food Bank of Iowa

IVRS employee Barbara Dickerson is interviewed by KCCI about a bathroom tissue drive for the Food Bank of Iowa.

Hy-Vee selected as Employer of the Year for 2008

Three area Hy-Vee stores were recognized during the Second Annual Employers for Excellence Appreciation Breakfast for their outstanding commitment to hire and accommodate individuals with disabilities.

The Hy-Vee managers at the Fleur Drive, Euclid and Mills Civic Parkway store locations were nominated by the Iowa Department for the Blind and Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services for the awards.


Photo of Hy-Vee managers selected as Employers for Excellence

From left to right: Mike Kueny, Hy-Vee store director, 2540 E. Euclid Ave., DM; Sheila McGuire, Hy-Vee human resources manager, 4605 Fluer Dr., DM; Val Scar, Hy-Vee human resources manager, 555 S. 51st St., WDM.


A Message from the Administrator:
Stephen A. Wooderson

Welcome to Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services (IVRS).

Our mission is to work for and with individuals with disabilities to achieve their employment, independence, and economic goals. Economic independence and more and better jobs are what we are about for Iowans with disabilities.

IVRS is made up of three core programs: Vocational Rehabilitation, Disability Determinations and Independent Living.  All three programs are dedicated to providing quality services to our consumers and increasing their independence. 

Please use the links on this page to find program information, ask questions or make comments about IVRS services. Thank you for visiting us.


Stephen A. Wooderson, Administrator
Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services
510 E. 12th St Des Moines, IA 50319


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