Programs & Projects in RSA : Formula Grants - Training for VR Agencies and Providers of Service to State VR Agencies

RSA funds several efforts of special interest to state agencies and providers of services to state VR agencies. In addition to the in-service training grants (not listed here), the following are of special interest.

  • Rehabilitation Continuing Education Programs (RCEPs)
    These serve multi-sate regions and provide for a broad integrated sequence of training activities that focus on meeting recurrent and common training needs of employed rehabilitation personnel.

    • GENERAL Rehabilitation Continuing Education Programs (RCEPs) provide training for newly employed state agency staff, and experienced state agency staff, as well as CAP, and CIL staff.

    • COMMUNITY REHABILITATION PROGRAM (CRP) RCEPs, provide employment-related training for staff of providers of services to state VR agencies and Centers for Independent Living.

  • Leadership Training
    This is provided by the RSA-funded National Rehabilitation Leadership Institute for top level state agency administrators and directors.

  • The Rehabilitation Job Link
    This is operated by the National Clearing House of Rehabilitation Training Material which links state VR agencies (and providers of services to state VR agencies in 1999) with job candidates — including graduates of training programs funded by RSA.

  • The National Clearing House for Rehabilitation Training Material
    This includes material that may be of special interest to state in-service training specialists.

  • Short-Term Training Grantees
    These often offer special programs available to VR agency staff. View this site for a listing and description of current short term training grants.

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Last Modified: 11/07/2007