GSA National Capital Region

National Capital Region Recycling Program


GSA NCR procures recycling contracts that are used by over 100 federal agencies from the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Over 100,000 Federal employees have joined GSA NCR's recycling contract to benefit from centralized administration, customized client education, flexibility of service, and help in complying with Federal and other mandates. For more than 15 years GSA NCR’s recycling program has brought economic and environmental benefits to both client agencies and U.S. taxpayers. GSA recycling contractors pick up:

Paper Carboard Cans Bottles


How It Works

GSA NCR's recycling contracts are an easy solution to your recycling needs and it is free of charge. Using sales contracts, GSA is able to provide free pickup and storage while also receiving revenue for the recyclables, which are sold as surplus property. As a result, GSA takes advantage of economy of scale: even when the value of recyclables is low, GSA is able to generate revenue from their sale because of the large number of locations on its contract. The “no-cost” factor allows GSA to add locations to the contract through a simple modification. Cost, however, is not the only reason agencies choose to join GSA’s recycling contract. There are other economic as well as administrative benefits that make the contract appeal to a large segment of the Federal government.

How To Join

For more information on the Federal Recycling Program, or if you wish to join the recycling contract, please contact Edward Crandell the GSA Regional Recycling Coordinator on 202-708-6777.


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