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The Eight Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC 8)

Expert Panel Memberhip


Paul James, M.D.
University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa

Suzanne Oparil, M.D.
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, Alabama


Barry L. Carter, Pharm.D.
University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa

William C. Cushman, M.D.
Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Memphis, Tennessee

Cheryl R. Dennison, R.N., A.N.P., Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing
Baltimore, Maryland

Joel Handler, M.D.
Kaiser Permanente
Anaheim, California

Daniel W. Jones, M.D.
University of Mississippi Medical Center
Jackson, Mississippi

Daniel T. Lackland, Dr.P.H.
Medical University of South Carolina
Charleston, South Carolina

Michael LeFevre , M.D., M.S.P.H.
University of Missouri
Columbia, Missouri

Thomas D. MacKenzie, M.D., M.S.P.H.
Denver Health and Hospital Authority
Denver, Colorado

George A. Mensah, M.D.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Atlanta, Georgia

Olugbenga Ogedegbe, M.D., M.P.H., M.S.
New York University School of Medicine
New York, NY

Sidney C. Smith, Jr.   M.D. 
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Laura Svetkey, M.D.
Duke University
Durham, North Carolina

Sandra Taler, M.D.
Mayo Clinic, W19 Mayo
Rochester, Minnesota

Raymond Townsend, M.D.
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Jackson T. Wright, M.D., Ph.D.
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio

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