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Radionuclides and Arsenic Rules

Web Cast Training Sessions: Summer/Fall 2004

EPA's Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water conducted Web cast training sessions for the Radionuclides and Arsenic Rules. The training sessions were intended for state personnel, but were also open to technical assistance providers and system operators. Four sessions were conducted between June and December 2004.

Each Web cast lasted approximately 2 hours and were hosted by EPA via a Web conferencing portal. Though Rule requirements were reviewed, the focus of the sessions were on compliance, treatment, monitoring, and disposal. The sessions also provided real world experience through examples and case studies.

For more information on where you can view these Web casts, contact your state coordinator. For your state contact information, click here (1,032 KB PDF File, 1pg) (ALL ABOUT PDF FILES).

Overview of Web Cast Schedule

Web Cast 1: Radionuclides Rule
2:00-4:00 pm (EDT) June 29, 2004

  • An Overview of the Rule
  • Required Monitoring
  • Compliance Calculations
  • Substitution of Gross Alpha for Radium-226 and Uranium
  • Beta Particle/Photon Emitter Monitoring
  • Analytical Methods and Detection
  • Lab Analysis
  • Exemptions
  • Health Effects
  • Agenda (101 KB PDF File, 1pg) (ALL ABOUT PDF FILES)
  • Question and Answer Fact Sheet
    • Q&A (821KB PDF File, 17pgs)
    • Q&A (125KB WP File, 17pgs)

Web Cast 2: Radionuclides Rule
2:00-4:00 pm (EDT) August 4, 2004

  • Treatment
  • Disposal
  • Operator Safety
  • SPARRC Model Demonstration
  • Agenda (151 KB PDF File, 1pg) (ALL ABOUT PDF FILES)
    • Worker Safety
      - Presentation (349KB PDF File, 14pgs)
      - Presentation (97KB Powerpoint File, 14pgs)
    • Fundamentals of Radium and Uranium Removal from Drinking Water Supplies
      - Presentation (315KB PDF File, 24pgs)
      - Presentation (223KB Powerpoint File, 24pgs)
    • Software Program to Ascertain Radionuclides Residual Concentration (SPARRC)
      - Presentation (158KB PDF File, 7pgs)
      - Presentation (75KB Powerpoint File, 7pgs)
    • The Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program
      - Presentation (489KB PDF File, 7pgs)
      - Presentation (3,475KB Powerpoint File, 7pgs)
    • Radium Removal and Disposal in Wisconsin
      - Presentation (95KB PDF File, 10pgs)
      - Presentation (68KB Powerpoint File, 10pgs)
    • Disposal of Water Treatment Plant Waste Containing Radionuclides
      - Presentation (176KB PDF File, 36pgs)
      - Presentation (263KB Powerpoint File, 36pgs)
  • Question and Answer Fact Sheet
    • Q&A (1,038KB PDF File, 14pgs)
    • Q&A (91KB WP File, 14pgs)

Web Cast 3: Arsenic Rule
2:00-4:00 pm (EDT) October 20, 2004

Web Cast 4: Arsenic Rule
2:00-4:00 pm (EDT) December 1, 2004

  • Agenda (66 KB PDF File, 1pg)
    • An Overview of the Arsenic Rule
      - Presentation (400KB PDF File, 15pgs)
      - Presentation (363KB Powerpoint File, 15pgs)
    • Arsenic in the Environment: Health Effects and Risk Assessment
      - Presentation (164KB PDF File, 20pgs)
      - Presentation (107KB Powerpoint File, 20pgs)
    • Centrally Managed POU Treatment for Compliance with the Arsenic Rule Grimes Study
      - Presentation (918KB PDF File, 31pgs)
      - Presentation (5,533KB Powerpoint File, 31pgs)
    • The Financial Considerations of an Exemption
      - Presentation (275KB PDF File, 8pgs)
      - Presentation (261KB Powerpoint File, 8pgs)
    • Implementing a Point-of-Use (POU)/Point-of-Entry (POE) Strategy
      - Presentation (476KB PDF File, 10pgs)
      - Presentation (1,288KB Powerpoint File, 10pgs)
    • Point-of-Use and Point-of-Entry
      - Presentation (235KB PDF File, 21pgs)
      - Presentation (398KB Powerpoint File, 21pgs)

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