OLCA: Office of Legislation and Congressional Affairs
Current Section  Office Contacts
General Contact Information

Office of Legislation and Congressional Affairs
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue
Washington, DC 20202-3100
E-mail address:
Phone: 202-401-0020 or 202-401-1028
Fax: 202-401-1438
Business Hours: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm EST Monday through Friday

Key Staff

Gabriella Gomez - Assistant Secretary for the office of Legislation and Congressional Affairs
Thomas Kelley - Special Assistant
Jeffrey Chapman - Assistant to Mr. Kelley

Legislative Policy Staff

Cynthia Hammond - Higher Education Policy
Jack McGrath - School Construction, Immigration
Doris Dixon - Special Education & Rehabilitative Services
Linda Wilson - Career-Technical Education, Adult Education & Teacher Issues
Will Ragland - Confidential Assistant
Kristen Adams - Confidential Assistant

Congressional Staff

Michael Hamlin - Casework/Correspondence Supervisor
Theresa Toye - Correspondence
Lisa Dove - Casework
Allison Hester - Publications
Jerell Blakeley - Office Automation Assistant

Executive Administration Staff

Paula Shipp - Executive Officer
Lisa Carter - Executive Office

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Last Modified: 05/04/2009