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selective androgen receptor modulator MDV3100
An orally bioavailable, organic, non-steroidal small molecule targeting the androgen receptor (AR) with potential antineoplastic activity. Through a mechanism that is reported to be different from other approved AR antagonists, selective androgen receptor modulator MDV3100 inhibits the activity of prostate cancer cell ARs, which may result in a reduction in prostate cancer cell proliferation and, correspondingly, a reduction in the serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) level. AR over-expression in prostate cancer represents a key mechanism associated with prostate cancer hormone resistance. Check for active clinical trials or closed clinical trials using this agent. (NCI Thesaurus)

Code name:MDV3100

Previous:SC-PEG E. coli L-asparaginase, Sclerosol Intrapleural Aerosol, Se-methyl-seleno-L-cysteine, sedoxantrone trihydrochloride, selective androgen receptor modulator GTx-024
Next:selenium, semaxanib, semustine, Seneca Valley virus-001, senna extract

A Service of the National Cancer Institute
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health