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US Fish & Wildlife Service - Journal Entry
Coastal Program – Great Lakes 2007 Accomplishments
Region 3, September 26, 2007
Island National Lakeshore Wisconsin. August 2007. 
- FWS photo by Ted Koehler
Island National Lakeshore Wisconsin. August 2007.

- FWS photo by Ted Koehler

The East Lansing Ecological Services Field Office and the Ashland Fisheries Resources Office jointly administer the Coastal Program – Great Lakes (CPGL). 

In 2007 a total of 27 projects were funded by the CPGL.  As a result, approximately 6561 acres of coastal fish and wildlife habitat will be enhanced, restored or protected. 

Miles of stream and riparian area  enhanced, restored or protected total 5.5 and two fish passage barriers will be removed, opening 8.5 miles of stream. 

Projects will affect all five Great Lakes, Detroit River, St. Mary’s River and Lake St. Clair. The projects funded included planning and research (8), restoration (18), and outreach and education (1). 

These cooperative projects work to conserve U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service trust fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats in coastal lands and waters.  Interjurisdictional fish such as coaster brook trout and lake sturgeon will benefit from multiple research and restoration projects. 

Declining migratory waterfowl species such as lesser scaup and American black ducks will reap the rewards of multiple coastal wetland restoration projects. 

Federally listed plant species such as dwarf lake iris and Michigan monkey-flower will be able to take root in additional locations because of invasive species removal and habitat restoration projects. 

As the CPGL moves into 2008, we look forward to once again work with our ever growing list of partners on many new Great Lakes coastal projects.

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313, charles_traxler@fws.gov