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Educating Students Worldwide

384,925 Junior Achievement volunteers teach 367,305 classes to 9,326,748 students a year...

That’s 25,553 students a day and nearly 1,065 students every hour who become empowered with the skills to create a better tomorrow for themselves and their communities!

JA Worldwide is a partnership between the business community, educators and volunteers all working together to inspire young people to dream big and reach their potential.  JA’s hands-on, experiential programs teach the key concepts of work readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy to young people all over the world.

Tools for Parents

Money Management Action Plan

  • For parents and teens — Exercising wise financial judgement doesn't come natually. It is a skill that is learned. That's why it is so important to start the personal finance discussion with your teen now. Junior Achievement's Money-Management Action Plan guides you to tools for discussing personal finance issues and can help you develop a plan of action with your teen.
  • Download the Action Plan.
Money Management Action Plan (PDF)

JA Position Papers On the Economic Crisis

  • "The U.S. Financial Crisis: Global Repercussions"
  • Read now.
  • "Understanding Stock Market Fluctuations: The Turmoil at the Heart of the Capitalist System"
  • Read now.

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What's New

JA/Allstate Poll Cited in USA TODAY: "Teens compete with laid-off adults for summer jobs"
Facebook Podcast:
Jack Kosakowski of Junior Achievement discusses the results of the 2009 Teens and Personal Finance Poll. (Look for the "MP3 Player" box.)
New Poll Shows Economy Forcing Teens to Downsize College Plans
JA interviewed for Wall Street Journal article: Tight teen summer job market will foster entrepreneurship
New Video: Success Story at Junior Achievement South Africa
"The Benefits of Employee Volunteer Programs" Download as: PDF or MS Word

More news.