National Institutes of Health

National Institutes of Health Ethics Program

  Ethics National Institutes of Health
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Ethics Due Dates

The following items are due each year, some on the exact date, others at approximately the same time. The third column indicates who or which office responds/submits the final product. See the "Responsible Party" column for who is responsible for that item. See bottom list for activities occurring on an ongoing basis without an exact due date.

IC Ethics Officials' Management Reports

Due Date Item Due Responsible Party
1st week January Annual Agency Questionnaire (Annual Report of workload statistics) Ethics Staff
Mid-January Agency Training Plan Ethics Staff
January 15 Initiate Confidential Financial Disclosure Report (OGE-450) Cycle. Reporting period: previous calendar year. Ethics Staff
February 15 OGE-450 due, unless extension granted. If Feb 15th is a weekend, due date is following Monday. The OGE-450 is submitted using the NIH Enterprise Ethics System (NEES) at Employees who file the OGE-450
February 28 HHS-521 Annual Report of Outside Activities. The HHS-521 is submitted using the NEES at Employees who engaged in an Outside Activity during the previous calendar year.
April 15 Initiate Public Financial Disclosure Report (SF-278) Cycle. Reporting Period: Previous calendar year. Ethics Staff
May 15 The SF-278 due, unless extension granted. The SF-278 is submitted using the NEES at Employees who file the SF-278
May 31 Semi-annual report of payments received from non-federal sources (sponsored travel) (covers October through March) NIH Administration (Travel)
November 30 Semi-annual report of payments received from non-federal sources (sponsored travel) (covers April through September). NIH Administration (Travel)
December 1 Begin to gather data for the Annual Agency Questionnaire, usually due to NEO in early January. Extensions normally not permitted. Ethics Staff
December 4 Annual Ethics Training must be completed. NIH Deputy Ethics Counselor may set earlier date. See notification message for NIH due date. All NIH Employees

Ongoing Activities

Due Date Item Due Responsible Party
90 days after starting work at NIH New Employee Ethics Orientation All employees new to NIH.
Ethics staff will keep track and remind employees.
30 days after starting work in covered position Employees designated as confidential filers (file the OGE-450). Ethics staff will inform the employees subject to the requirement. (New public filers are pre-cleared and submit prior to coming on board.) Employees designated as New Entrant Confidential (OGE-450) filer.
Ongoing Review and certification of OGE-450s and SF-278s, to be completed within 60 days of receipt unless additional information is needed. Ethics Staff
Ongoing Late fee for any SF-278 filers who submit their report more than 30 days after latest due date. Employees designated as public (SF-278) filers who do not submit their report within 30 days of the due date.
Ongoing Track compliance with annual ethics training; send reminders and involve supervisor as needed. Ethics Staff