Sorted by PI or Issue Date

NGA Issued by IPF Number

    Enter IPF Number:  

    Select number of days.

    Report will list all NGAs issued in the over the last number of days selected.

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       Press this button to run.

       Press this button to start over.

This query will return a list of NGAs (Notice of Grant Awards) issued to selected Organizations/IPFs over the last number of days selected. Most of these NGAs have been e-mailed but some were not. The e-mailed column of the report output indicates if the NGA was e-mailed to the grantee organization. If the column indicates "NO", the NGA will arrive by standard first class mail. Please also note that not all these awards are "new" awards. Many are revised awards that may or may not indicate changes to funding levels. This is indicated by the "NEW" or "REV" in the "NEW/REV" column of the report. The primary purpose of this query is to allow grantees to validate if they have received all the NGAs that they should have. Missing NGAs should be reported to NIH eRA Commons Helpdesk. The helpdesk can supply missing copies of awards that have been e-mailed. If you are missing an NGA that was mailed through US Postal Service, you must contact the NIH awarding component..

If you do not know your organizations IPF number - you can look it up on with our "Check IPF Query".

If your organization does not currently receive your NGAs by e-mail you can get set up for that by first registering your organization in NIH eRA Commons. See the Commons Home Page for details.

The queries from this page are running a little slow right now. We are working to speed things up.

For technical information about this page, to report a Web problem, or to request a missing NGA contact the NIH eRA Commons Helpdesk. For all other grant-related issues, contact your NIH awarding component or the NIH Grants Policy Office.

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