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National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association - NFPRHA

Organization URL(s)  External Link

Other Contact Information

1627 K Street, NW
12th Floor
Washington, DC 20006

202-293-3114 (Voice)
202-293-1990 (FAX)


The National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association (NFPRHA) is a nonprofit association devoted to the expansion and improvement of the delivery of family planning and reproductive health care. Membership is open to anyone concerned with accessibility and provision of quality reproductive health care. The organization works to establish reproductive health care as a priority preventive health care service. NFPRHA monitors legislation; holds annual meetings; and provides information, resource search, and referral services to members. NFPRHA committees focus on areas of common concern, such as service delivery, public affairs, consumer affairs, international issues, and minority development.

Print Resources

Serial publications: NFPRHA Report,bi-monthly--information on proposed legislation and new regulations, updates on developments in the field, listing of upcoming calendar events, information on consumer interests, and policy analysis; NFPRHA Alert, irregular--brief legislative information that requires immediate action.

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Review Date

Wed Jul 2, 2008