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Part 386: Rules of practice for motor carrier, broker, freight forwarder, and hazardous materials proceedings

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Examples: Medical Form, 391.53, 391
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< 386.61 386.63 >
Subpart E—Decision
§386.62 Review of administrative law judge’s decision.

(a) All petitions to review must be accompanied by exceptions and briefs. Each petition must set out in detail objections to the initial decision and shall state whether such objections are related to alleged errors of law or fact. It shall also state the relief requested. Failure to object to any error in the initial decision shall waive the right to allege such error in subsequent proceedings.

(b) Reply briefs may be filed within 30 days after service of the appeal brief.

(c) No other briefs shall be permitted except upon request of the Assistant Administrator.

(d) Copies of all briefs must be served on all parties.

(e) No oral argument will be permitted except on order of the Assistant Administrator.

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