Federal NEPA Contacts
This site was last updated on July 5, 2009.

Executive Office of the President - Council on Environmental Quality
Horst G. Greczmiel Associate Director for NEPA Oversight hgreczmiel@ceq.eop.gov
Edward Boling General Counsel eboling@ceq.eop.gov

Department of Agriculture
Charles L. Walthall Agriculture Research Service charlie.walthall@ars.usda.gov
David A. Bergsten Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service david.a.bergsten@aphis.usda.gov
Mary Ann Rozum Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service mrozum@csrees.usda.gov
Matthew Ponish Farm Service Agency matthew.ponish@wdc.usda.gov
John (Matt) Matthew Harrington Natural Resources Conservation Service matt.harrington@wdc.usda.gov
Linda J. Rodgers Rural Business-Cooperative Service linda.rodgers@usda.gov
Linda J. Rodgers Rural Housing Service linda.rodgers@usda.gov
Mark Plank Rural Utilities Service mark.plank@usda.gov
Joe Carbone U.S. Forest Service jcarbone@fs.fed.us

Department of Commerce
Steve Kokkinakis DOC and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration steve.kokkinakis@noaa.gov
Frank Monteferrante Economic Development Administration fmontefe@doc.gov
Steve Leathery National Marine Fisheries Service Steve.Leathery@noaa.gov

Department of Defense
Terry Bowers Department of Defense terry.bowers@osd.mil
Jack Bush Department of Air Force Jack.Bush@pentagon.af.mil
Leslie Gillespie-Marthaler Department of Army leslie.gillespiemarthaler@hqda.army.mil
Mark Matusiak Army Corps of Engineers Mark.Matusiak@usace.army.mil
Thomas Egeland Department of Navy tom.egeland@navy.mil
Karen Foskey United States Navy karen.foskey@navy.mil
Mary Hassell United States Marine Corps mary.hassell@usmc.mil
Roseann Sendek National Guard Bureau roseann.sendek@ngb.ang.af.mil
Ann Engelberger Defense Logistics Agency ann.engelberger@dla.mil
Vacant Defense Threat Reduction Agency ---

Department of Energy
Carol M. Borgstrom Office of Environment, Safety and Health carol.borgstrom@hq.doe.gov
Katherine Semple Pierce Bonneville Power Administration kspierce@bpa.gov
Shane Collins Western Area Power Administration collins@wapa.gov

Department of Health and Human Services
Edward Pfister Department of Health and Human Services edward.pfister@hhs.gov
Andrew Dannenberg Centers for Disease Control and Prevention acd7@cdc.gov
George Chandler Centers for Disease Control and Prevention gec2@cdc.gov
Suzanne Fitzpatrick Food and Drug Administration sfitzpat@oc.fda.gov
Keith Webber, PhD FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research webber@cder.fda.gov
Raanan (Ron) A. Bloom, Ph.D. FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research raanan.bloom@fda.hhs.gov
Charles E. Eirkson III FDA, Center for Veterinary Medicine ceirkson@cvm.fda.gov
Barry Hooberman FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine barry.hooberman@fda.hhs.gov
William Lamont FDA, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition william.lamont@fda.hhs.gov
Ann Piesen Health Resources Services Administration apiesen@hrsa.gov
Stephen S. Aoyama Indian Health Service stephen.aoyama@ihs.gov
Valerie Nottingham National Institutes of Health nottingv@ors.od.nih.gov

Department of Homeland Security
David Reese Department of Homeland Security david.reese@dhs.gov
Jomar Maldonado Federal Emergency Management Agency jomar.maldonado@dhs.gov
Martin A. Fife Federal Law Enforcement Training Center martin.fife@dhs.gov
Edward J. Rynne Immigration and Customs Enforcement edward.rynne@dhs.gov
Kathryn Jones Transportation Security Administration kathryn.jones@dhs.gov
Ed Wandelt U. S. Coast Guard edward.f.wandelt@uscg.dhs.gov
Christopher Oh U.S. Customs and Border Protection christopher.oh@dhs.gov

Department of Housing and Urban Development
Antoinette Sebastian Office of Environment and Energy antoinette.sebastian@hud.gov

Department of Interior
Vijai N. Rai Department of Interior vijai_rai@ios.doi.gov
Judith Wilson Bureau of Indian Affairs judith.wilson@bia.gov
Peg Sorensen Bureau of Land Management peg_sorensen@blm.gov
Donald Treasure Bureau of Reclamation dtreasure@do.usbr.gov
James Bennett Minerals Management Service jfbennett@mms.gov
Tammy Whittington National Park Service tammy_whittington@nps.gov
G. Vermell Davis Office of Surface Mining gvdavis@osmre.gov
Pat Carter United States Fish and Wildlife Service pat_carter@fws.gov
Lloyd Woosley, Jr. United States Geological Survey lwoosley@usgs.gov

Department of Justice
Guillermo A. Montero Environment and Natural Resources Division guillermo.montero@usdoj.gov
Chip Love Department of Justice Facilities and Administration Services chip.love@usdoj.gov
Melissa Fieri-Fetrow Community Oriented Policing Services melissa.fierifetrow@usdoj.gov
Ellen Harrison Drug Enforcement Administration ellen.harrison@usdoj.gov
Bridgette L. Lyles Federal Bureau of Prisons blyles@bop.gov
Dawn Gunning Justice Management Division dawn.m.gunning@usdoj.gov
Vacant National Institute of Justice ---
John Pensinger Office of Justice Programs pensingj@ojp.usdoj.gov
Joe Band U.S. Marshals Service joe.band@usdoj.gov

Department of Labor
Mike O'Malley Employment and Training Administration, Job Corps omalley.michael@dol.gov
Robert Stone Mine Safety and Health Administration stone.robert@dol.gov
Vacant Occupational Safety and Health Administration ---

Department of State
Elizabeth Orlando Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs orlandoea2@state.gov
John Matuszak Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs matuszakjm@state.gov

Department of Transportation
Camille Mittelholtz Department of Transportation camille.mittelholtz@ost.dot.gov
Michon Washington Federal Aviation Administration michon.washington@faa.gov
Raja Veeramachaneni Federal Highway Administration raja.veeramachaneni@dot.gov
Elaine Walls Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration elaine.walls@fmcsa.dot.gov
David Valenstein Federal Railroad Administration david.valenstein@dot.gov
Carl Bauch Federal Transit Administration carl.bausch@dot.gov
Daniel E. Yuska Jr. Maritime Administration (MAR-820) Daniel.Yuska@DOT.gov
Carol Hammel-Smith National Highway Traffic Safety Administration carol.hammel-smith@dot.gov
Sherri Pappas Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration sherri.pappas@dot.gov
Cassandra Allwell Research and Innovative Technology Administration allwell@volpe.dot.gov
Paul Valihura Research and Innovative Technology Administration paul.valihura@volpe.dot.gov
Brian P. Cromie Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation brian.cromie@sls.dot.gov
Victoria Rutson Surface Transportation Board rutsonv@stb.dot.gov

Department of Treasury
Barbara Matos Department of the Treasury Barbara.matos@do.treas.gov
Vacant Office of the Comptroller of the Currency ---

Department of Veterans Affairs
Michelle DeGrandi Veterans Health Administration michelle.deGrandi@va.gov

Independent Agencies
Kathy Roy Johnson Access Board Johnson@access-board.gov
Charlene D. Vaughn Advisory Council on Historic Preservation cvaughn@achp.gov
William P Doyle Alaska Natural Gas Office of the Federal Coordinator wdoyle@arcticgas.gov
Joe S. Woo Armed Forces Retirement Home joe.woo@afrh.gov
Keith Bates Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System keith.bates@frb.gov
G. John Heyer Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled jheyer@jwod.gov
Robert Franklin Consumer Product Safety Commission rfranklin@cpsc.gov
Carol Collier Delaware River Basin Commission ccollier@drbc.state.nj.us
Krag Johnsen Denali Commission kjohnsen@denali.gov
Robert Hargrove Environmental Protection Agency hargrove.robert@epa.gov
Brian J. Sonfield Export-Import Bank of the United States brian.sonfield@exim.gov
Gaylon Dykstra Farm Credit Administration DykstraG@FCA.GOV
Aliza Katz Federal Communications Commission akatz@fcc.gov
Lee Martin Federal Communications Commission lee.martin@fcc.gov
Michael Wagner Federal Communications Commission mwagner@fcc.gov
Dan Abeyta Federal Communications Commission dabeyta@fcc.gov
Brian Yellin Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation byellin@fdic.gov
J. Mark Robinson Federal Energy Regulatory Commission mark.robinson@ferc.gov
Ann Miles Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ann.miles@ferc.gov
Richard R. Hoffmann Federal Energy Regulatory Commission richard.hoffmann@ferc.gov
Karen Gregory Federal Maritime Commission kgregory@fmc.gov
John Daly Federal Trade Commission jdaly@ftc.gov
Raheem Cash General Services Administration raheem.cash@gsa.gov
Carlos Pena International Boundary and Water Commission, US & Mexico carlospena@ibwc.state.gov
Michael L. Gosliner Marine Mammal Commission mgosliner@mmc.gov
Thomas P. Schehl Millennium Challenge Corporation schehltp@mcc.gov
Kathleen` E. Callister National Aeronautics and Space Administration kathleen.e.callister@nasa.gov
Eugene Keller National Capital Planning Commission gene.keller@ncpc.gov
Frank Kressman National Credit Union Administration fkressman@ncua.gov
Brad Mehaffy National Indian Gaming Commission Bradley_Mehaffy@nigc.gov
Richard Turtil Nuclear Regulatory Commission richard.turtil@nrc.gov
Caroline M. Blanco National Science Foundation cblanco@nsf.gov
Mary Boomgard Overseas Private Investment Corporation mboom@opic.gov
John Pelka Presidio Trust jpelka@presidiotrust.gov
David G. LaRoche Securities and Exchange Commission laroched@sec.gov
Gary Fox Small Business Administration gary.fox@sba.gov
Darryl A. Hairston Small Business Administration darryl.hairston@SBA.gov
Charles Nicholson Tennessee Valley Authority cpnicholson@tva.gov
James Hester United States Agency for International Development jhester@usaid.gov
Carrie Branson United States Postal Service Carrie.M.Branson@usps.gov
Ellen Wheeler U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution wheeler@udall.gov
Marie Rodriguez Valles Caldera Trust mrodriguez@vallescaldera.gov

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