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Publications Library. Graphic: Outline of book in orange on blue background.

Resources & Publications


  • Briefs Looking for a summary? Info Briefs describe policy, practice, or research on critical issues and challenges facing the workforce development system in serving youth. Research Briefs consolidate references to key published resources on a given area of focus.
  • Short Cuts These documents summarize key information from longer pieces completed by the NCWD/Youth.
  • Quick Reference Guides These at your finger tips guides direct the user to sources on topics from what are good assessments to how to identify and screen youth with hidden disabilities.
  • Jump Starts
    Experts at NCWD/Youth take an in-depth look at a different topic and provide analysis, research, references, resources, & answers to key questions for each of our audiences.


Pro-Bank is an online database of promising programs and practices in the workforce development system that effectively addresses the needs of youth with disabilities.

White Papers

White Papers include a synthesis of research on policy, programs, and practices. Definitions and references are included. Topics are wide ranging moving from youth development and leadership to universal design strategies to how to organize workforce development programs to better serve employers.

Guides and Manuals

These in-depth how-to documents serve as convenient references. Subjects include: how to design an in-school-after-school-program; how to assess individuals; how to serve a specific populations such as individuals with psychiatric disabilities; how to build and sustain partnerships among an array of state and local agencies; how to finance transition services for youth; and how to design universally accessible facilities and programs.

Guideposts for Success

Two set of Guideposts exist, centered on the two key customers of the workforce development system – youth and employers. The guideposts build upon evidence based research about what youth and employers need. The evidence backing up the Guideposts is also available.

Professional Development Tools

These tools can be used by organizations and their staff in the development of the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA’s) needed by youth providers in the10 competency areas. Materials include: training modules that can be used by an individual or an organization; self assessments for individuals and organizations; and resources that can be tapped in each of the competency areas.


Foundations are considered seminal reports and materials. Included is research and literature reviews, evaluation summaries, and research and practice documents relating to workforce development and youth with disabilities. Each entry includes the publication reference, brief summary of the content, and web link to the full text of the document or, if the document is not available online, its publisher.

Staff Presentations

Staff Presentations is an archive of of presentations delivered by members of the NCWD/Youth staff.

Partnership Guides

Partnership Guides focus in on fiscal resources available from a wide array of federal grant-in-aid programs.


Legislation No one piece of legislation defines government services to youth with disabilities or for that matter, any youth. Instead, there are a number of acts that impact youth with disabilities. NCWD/Youth has gathered and highlighted information on key federal acts some of which focus only on services for those with disabilities and others are geared to a wider pool of the population.


Definitions Words commonly used on this site and in the workforce and disability communities.


Acronyms A list to decode the alphabet soup of terms and organizations associated with disability and workforce.


Links Our database of organization websites.

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© 2002–2009 NCWD/Youth
Page updated 8 January, 2009

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4455 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 310 | Washington, DC 20008
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