Success Story: Watt Executive Plaza

Partner Information

Located in Sacramento, California
65,000 s.f. facility
Annual Cash Savings: $17,131
Annual Energy Savings: 241,964 kWh
Prevented 300,035 pounds of pollution

Service and Product Provider

Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)
6301 S Street, MS A204
Sacramento, CA 95817
916-732-5438 Exit ENERGY STAR

When Mary Williams, the property manager of Watt Executive Plaza (the Plaza), an apartment building in California, called the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) for assistance in making the rental spaces more energy efficient, she was trying to save her customers money and improve the environment. Because the facility was mass metered, the customers did not see a direct bill and she had to ensure that the distribution of energy costs was fair and complete.

The project was implemented in multiple phases. First, an energy management system was installed to assist in determining energy use per tenant. Second, HVAC systems were upgraded to variable speed drives to allow the economizers to control use of the compressors. Next, through a major lighting retrofit, 800 magnetic ballasted T12s were converted to electronic ballasted T8s. Compact fluorescent lamps replaced all incandescent lamps, and exit signs were changed to LED. Finally, multiple sensors were installed to perceive motion and shut down any unnecessary lighting. Watt Executive Plaza was able to finance the improvements with the help of SMUD who provided an incentive of $19,404 to complete the improvements to date or 40% of the total job costs.

The project has been very successful. The tenants were very pleased with the office setting lighting improvements. Both the property manager and the owner were pleased with the addition of controls to assist in managing the building. Extended-life lamps were also installed which reduced the frequency of needed maintenance. The building owners were in complete support of the project and perceived that the bottom line improvements made the project valuable.

Watt Executive Plaza would recommend that other small businesses work with the same flexibility it did in allowing for improvements by stages to keep their projects on track. The Plaza is also discussing and planning more improvements such as a lobby retrofit/time clock program that will reduce energy usage after hours.

The Plaza has shown energy efficiency leadership both in its ownership and property management, to keep energy efficiency as part of their ongoing management style. In addition, they have been of value to their community by being a part of the Voluntary Energy Curtailment Program for SMUD and the Sacramento area.

Watt Executive Plaza is a true an example of how one small business can make a difference in its community.