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Success Story: Valley Head and Neck Services

Partner Information

Located in Claremont, New Hampshire
A 1,100-sq.ft. office space
Annual Cash Savings: $280
Annual Energy savings: 1,293 kWh
Payback period: 2.4 years
Prevented 1,939 pounds of pollution

Doctor’s Orders: Save Energy, Save Money

One of the benefits of the ENERGY STAR for small business program is that it encourages you to upgrade to energy-efficient equipment only when it makes good financial sense. For example, Dr. Allan Berggren, owner of the Valley Head and Neck Services in Claremont, New Hampshire, was initially concerned about joining the program because he planned to retire in a few years and didn’t want to commit himself to unprofitable upgrades.

At first, he thought that signing the program agreement would commit him to upgrading all of the equipment in his facility to newer, energy-efficient technologies. When he learned that ENERGY STAR for small business encouraged only financially beneficial upgrades, all of his reluctance vanished.

ENERGY STAR for small business provides Partners with a wealth of information, including Putting Energy Into Profits, EPA’s no-cost Guide, which describes energy-efficient technologies, and offers advice on how to tackle an upgrade profitably. The program is completely voluntary, it’s of no-cost, and requires no reporting. Learning this, Dr. Berggren decided that he would join.

Some Free Advice: Let EPA Diagnose Energy Waste

By using the no-cost services ENERGY STAR for small business provides, Dr. Berggren qualified for a free do-it-yourself energy audit. The audit, provided by EPA, allows the owner of a facility to quickly identify where his or her energy dollars are going. By breaking down energy usage, the audit allows an owner to determine exactly what upgrades would be most profitable. It also provides a comprehensive list of suggested energy upgrades for the facility including estimated costs, savings, and payback.

The energy audit received by Dr. Berggren identified a number of potential upgrades, but many of them had a payback longer than the few years he planned to remain in business.

The Prescription for Savings

The audit recommended verifying that proper levels of ceiling insulation were in place. Dr. Berggren noted that the levels in his clinic were adequate.

Ceiling insulation prevents heat from escaping the facility in the winter and prevents heat from entering the facility in the summer. It therefore reduces the amount of work the heating and cooling systems must do to maintain a comfortable temperature indoors.

“Our building’s former owner, a local physician, made excellent choices to make our building energy efficient. Even though I did not have to do any upgrades, I was happy to participate in EPA’s ENERGY STAR Small Business program to be sure we are doing what we can to be energy efficient.”

Thanks to the former owner, Dr. Berggren hasn’t had to turn on his air-conditioning much in the summer and is enjoying $280 in savings on his energy bills.

“Joining…EPA’s ENERGY STAR Small Business [program] did not mean I had to commit to all of the energy recommendations that the no-cost energy audit provided.”

Dr. Allan Berggren
Valley Head and Neck Services