Success Story: Hebron Baptist Church

Partner Information

Hebron Baptist Church, Dacula, Georgia
Annual cash savings: $32,000
Annual kWh savings: 450,000
Prevented 1 million pounds of CO2 emmission

Service and Product Provider

U.S. Energy Capital Corporation Exit ENERGY STAR
1540 Highway 138, Suite 3D
Conyers, GA 30013
Jim Borland, President
Phone: 1-800-562-1659

The Hebron Baptist church in Dacula, Georgia is illuminated not only by its bright and cheerful congregation, but by a new and improved energy-efficient lighting system! The Hebron Baptist church cares about the stewardship of creation, and understands how important it is not to waste energy or their operating budget. That is why they completed an energy-efficient lighting upgrade project that will ensure energy and dollar savings, and prevent pollution for many years to come. Hebron Baptist’s efforts can be appreciated by all who care about the environment and want clean air for future generations.

Hebron Baptist’s lighting upgrade was managed by Jim Borland’s U.S. Energy Capital, which provides innovative financing and management for energy efficiency upgrade projects all across the country. According to U.S. Energy Capitol, most financing packages can be structured to always produce positive cash flow for the end user. In the case of Hebron Baptist, after receiving almost a thousand new high quality energy-efficient lamps, their monthly loan payment was approximately $1,300 but their utility bill savings were over $2,700 per month! That’s $1,400 a month savings for the life of the equipment that goes directly to Hebron Baptist. Now that’s a good deal.

Over 900 fixtures were enhanced during the lighting upgrade project at Hebron Baptist. Older, inefficient lights were replaced by new T8 flourescent lights with electronic ballasts, reflectors were installed to improve light output, and 300 exit signs were converted to energy-efficient LED lamps. In addition to the energy and pullution savings provided by the new and more efficient lights, the overall quality of lighting was improved throughout the church.

The lighting project at Hebron Baptist is saving approximately $32,000 a year in church expenses, 450,000 kilowatt hours of energy, and preventing the release of more than 1 million pounds of CO2 (a greenhouse gas) from entering the air we breath.

The best part is that Hebron Baptist Church achieved savings and prevented tons of extraordinary energy pollution with no out of pocket expenses. This is a great example of creation stewardship benefiting the earth and a congregation’s budget.