Success Story: Barbara’s Bakery

Partner Information

Located in Sacramento, CA
55,000 s.f. facility
Annual Energy Savings: 16,775 kWh
Prevented 297,157 pounds of pollution

Service and Product Provider

Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)
6301 S Street, MS A204
Sacramento, CA 95817

Gordon Clemens, the maintenance manager for Barbara’s Bakery in Sacramento, California has been involved for many years in overseeing the efficient maintenance and operations of this small business. He has often worked with specialists from the Sacramento Utility Municipal District (SMUD), making use of design assistance programs and incentives in the form of rebates and financing to save energy, use energy more efficiently and improve their businesses.

More than seven projects, such as improving efficiency of HVAC systems, increasing insulation levels wherever possible and a major lighting retrofit, have been completed over recent years. In 2001, a renewed commitment to energy efficiency and concern about the energy challenge in California is resulting in multiple new efforts to save. Specifically, insulated foam panels for office walls, a transformer upgrade, variable speed drive systems on new motors and fans and new HVAC systems as well as an ENERGY STAR Cool Roofing through SMUD. While the costs of these efficiency improvements can be viewed as substantial, the benefits in comfort, energy savings and business productivity improvement far outweigh the outlay.

Barbara’s Bakery has experienced cost savings and increased productivity through better temperature control (HVAC, insulation and roofing) and better working conditions throughout with improved lighting and comfort levels. The Bakery says that in the process of upgrading this plant new customers have been acquired, increasing productivity and net worth. The only obstacles were difficulty finding time to do the projects because of increased productivity and business, as well as working around some of the difficult weather conditions.

Mr. Clemens indicated that he would recommend all businesses at least investigate any way that they can conserve energy. Mr. Clemens says that: “Conserving benefits a company in terms of a better bottom line and increased productivity and comfort for their customers and employees, as well as benefiting others by making what energy it has go much farther.”