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Obligations and Rescissions of CMAQ, TE and Recreational Trails Funds

FROM: April Marchese, Director, Office of Natural Environment
TO: Attention of Division Administrators
DATE: March 23, 2007

The purpose of this message is to provide summary information on State obligations and rescissions of funds under the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) program, the Transportation Enhancement (TE) program, and the Recreational Trails program. We have received requests for this information from several interest groups and as a result are posting it on our website.

Below is a Table providing a summary of information on obligations and rescissions of funds under the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) program. You may view similar information about rescissions and obligations under the Transportation Enhancement program and Recreational Trails program on our developmental, non-public websites at the following links: for (Transportation Enhancements) and for (Recreational Trails). The information is broken down by State and lists obligation rates both with and without the inclusion of the rescinded dollars in these program areas.

TABLE: State obligations and rescissions of funds
State CMAQ Avail total program, millions $ CMAQ Oblig total program, millions $ Obligation rate, % Rescissions thru FY '06 Obligation Rate (w/rescinded funds replaced in Avail)*
Alabama84.6 73.8 87.2% 22.1 69.2%
Alaska105.7 102.3 96.8% 15.9 84.1%
Arizona412.2 381.6 92.6% 0 92.6%
Arkansas106 95.3 89.9% 0 89.9%
California4019.1 3637.8 90.5% 0 90.5%
Colorado234.5 199.7 85.2% 7 82.7%
Connecticut476.9 434.4 91.1% 24.7 86.6%
Delaware82 75.6 92.2% 18.7 75.1%
District of Col72.6 64.6 89.0% 16.4 72.6%
Florida521.2 506 97.1% 51 88.4%
Georgia445.1 387.5 87.1% 0 87.1%
Hawaii102.4 93 90.8% 0 90.8%
Idaho95.9 89.5 93.3% 11.2 83.6%
Illinois950.1 817.1 86.0% 40.8 82.5%
Indiana257.1 193.4 75.2% 6 73.5%
Iowa94.9 86.7 91.4% 0 91.4%
Kansas91.6 87 95.0% 4.2 90.8%
Kentucky139.3 124.2 89.2% 2.5 87.6%
Louisiana99.2 87.1 87.8% 2.9 85.3%
Maine91.4 86.1 94.2% 7.8 86.8%
Maryland614.2 539.9 87.9% 0 87.9%
Massachusetts582.1 475.7 81.7% 94.3 70.3%
Michigan478.5 427.1 89.3% 85 75.8%
Minnesota181 153.8 85.0% 19.7 76.6%
Mississippi99 95.1 96.1% 1 95.1%
Missouri234.1 205.8 87.9% 5 86.1%
Montana99.7 86.3 86.6% 4.5 82.8%
Nebraska79.1 79.1 100.0% 14 85.0%
Nevada146.9 127.8 87.0% 9.8 81.6%
New Hampshire102.7 80.7 78.6% 1.5 77.4%
New Jersey1084.2 987.4 91.1% 39.3 87.9%
New Mexico107.4 89.2 83.1% 3.8 80.2%
New York1698.6 1401.7 82.5% 275.2 71.0%
North Carolina230.2 164.8 71.6% 44.9 59.9%
North Dakota100 90.1 90.1% 0 90.1%
Ohio774.8 731.5 94.4% 8.9 93.3%
Oklahoma98.8 86.9 88.0% 0 88.0%
Oregon138.3 111.9 80.9% 0.1 80.9%
Pennsylvania858.8 821.2 95.6% 204.7 77.2%
Rhode Island112.2 97.9 87.3% 0 87.3%
South Carolina108.9 107.8 99.0% 1.2 97.9%
South Dakota100.3 97.9 97.6% 3 94.8%
Tennessee212 145.2 68.5% 8.9 65.7%
Texas1469.8 1208.7 82.2% 31.8 80.5%
Utah117 114.3 97.7% 0.2 97.5%
Vermont97.2 89.8 92.4% 0 92.4%
Virginia359.3 305.8 85.1% 8.5 83.1%
Washington304.6 271.4 89.1% 11.6 85.8%
West Virginia77.7 73.8 95.0% 22.7 73.5%
Wisconsin222.4 195.8 88.0% 41.3 74.3%
Wyoming99.4 93.5 94.1% 0 94.1%
TOTAL $19,481.66 $17,208.17 88.33% $1,183.60 83.27%

*Note: Available and obligated funds reported via the FHWA Fiscal Management Information System. Rescinded funds were added back into Available to calculate the second obligation rate.

The rescissions of Federal-aid Highway Program funds have been a critical issue in a number of States for the last four years. We recognize that the FY 07 rescission notice that was just sent out will require further difficult decisions. However, given the recent implementation of new air quality standards, the difficulty in reaching attainment status for many areas, the emphasis in SAFETEA-LU on cost-effective CMAQ projects, and the increased focus on nontraditional transportation projects, we believe that these programs have become even more important to delivering an effective and efficient highway system. Moreover, many of the projects eligible under the CMAQ program would support the Secretary's congestion initiative by achieving the dual purposes of reducing emissions through reducing congestion. If obligation rates in your States have been traditionally low in the CMAQ, TE or Recreational Trails programs, we encourage you to call this to their attention and extend an offer to provide technical assistance or other help to better explore project possibilities in these program areas. Our office is prepared to provide whatever support you would need to carry out that offer.

If you would like to discuss, please feel free to contact me at (202) 366-2074 or For further information on the CMAQ program, please contact Michael Koontz at (202) 366-2076 or For further information on the Recreational Trails program or Transportation Enhancements program, please contact Christopher Douwes at (202) 366-5013 or

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