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PubMed Review: MLA 2008

A recording of the original presentation is available.

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PubMed Review

PubMed Review

MLA 2008


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PubMed Factoids

PubMed Factoids

17.9 million records

Approx. 3 million PubMed searches daily

Approx. 400,000 Google referrals daily

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One Step!

Click on Send to Collections from any Results screen.

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PubMed Central ID

PubMed Central ID

The PMCID is a unique ID for articles in PubMed Central

Researchers must provide the PMCID for articles cited in grant applications, proposals and progress reports

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The PMCID is now available at the bottom of the AbstractPlus display and on the MEDLINE display in PubMed.

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Collaborators now appear in the Abstract, AbstractPlus and Citation displays.   See the new Fact Sheet on Authorship in MEDLINE for information on when and how author information is included in MEDLINE.

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Collaborators (cont’d)

Collaborators (cont’d)

The Collaborators display in the AbstractPlus format is expandable, to show all named collaborators.

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Approx. 3.5 million AbstractPlus views daily (vs. 300K Abstract views)

10% of views of A+ result in a click on a related article link

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Patient Drug Information on AbstractPlus

Patient Drug Information on AbstractPlus

Patient Drug Information from MedMaster (also available in MedlinePlus) is now available on the AbstractPlus display when triggered by drug names in the title, abstract or MeSH.

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Related Reviews on AbstractPlus

Related Reviews on AbstractPlus

Review articles that appear in Related Articles are available in a separate display on AbstractPlus.

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Advanced Search - Beta

Advanced Search - Beta

A new beta version of an advanced search is now available to try.   Follow the link to the right of the search box in PubMed.

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Advanced Search – Beta (top)

Advanced Search – Beta (top)

This will be a tour of the Advanced Search page from top to bottom.

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Advanced Search – Beta, Search box & History

Advanced Search – Beta, Search box & History

The top of the screen shows a search box and the last 5 searches in History.  Click More History to see earlier searches.

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Advanced Search – Beta (cont’d)

Advanced Search – Beta (cont’d)

The next part of the screen allows you to search by field.

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Search by Author, Journal, Publication Date, and more

Search by Author, Journal, Publication Date, and more

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Field Selections

Field Selections

Use the expandable menu to select your desired field.

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Search by Author, Journal, Publication Date and more

Search by Author, Journal, Publication Date and more

Select AND or OR.   Add more search fields, if desired.

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Auto-complete for Author & Journal

Auto-complete for Author & Journal

The autocomplete feature, familiar from the current Limits page and the Single Citation Matcher, is available for author and journal searches.

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Browsing an Index

Browsing an Index

The icon to the right of each field search allows you to expand the index for the selected field.

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The third section is the Limits section.

The third section is the Limits section.

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Limits (Advanced Search – Beta)

Limits (Advanced Search – Beta)

In the Advanced Search, you have the option to lock or unlock your Limits for future searches.

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The last section of the Advanced Search page is the Index of Fields and Field Values

The last section of the Advanced Search page is the Index of Fields and Field Values

This is the same functionality as on the current Preview/Index tab.

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Index: Select Multiple Terms

Index: Select Multiple Terms

The Index section allows you to select multiple   terms from the same index by using the CTRL button.

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New Automatic Term Mapping

New Automatic Term Mapping

The MeSH and Journals components of ATM have been augmented to include “All Fields” searching.

Search:   gene therapy

Old ATM:

"gene therapy"[ MeSH Terms] OR gene therapy[Text Word]

New ATM:

"gene therapy"[ MeSH Terms] OR ("gene"[All Fields] AND "therapy"[All Fields]) OR "gene therapy"[All Fields]

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More…New ATM

More…New ATM

Search:   burns laryngoscope 2005

Old ATM:

    ("burns"[ MeSH Terms] OR burns[Text Word]) AND (("laryngoscopes"[TIAB] NOT Medline[SB]) OR "laryngoscopes"[ MeSH Terms] OR laryngoscope[Text Word]) AND 2005[All Fields]

Retrieves 0

New ATM:

    ("burns"[ MeSH Terms] OR "burns"[All Fields]) AND ("laryngoscopes"[ MeSH Terms] OR "laryngoscopes"[All Fields] OR "laryngoscope"[All Fields]) AND 2005[All Fields]

Retrieves 6

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New ATM: burns laryngoscope

New ATM: burns laryngoscope

The results show articles by author Burns in the journal Laryngoscope, published in 2005.

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New ATM: Retrieves more!

New ATM: Retrieves more!

Your retrieval will be larger.

            gene therapy :           36K         90K
            burns :                      45K         59K
            laryngoscope             2K          15K
            cancer                    2 million       2.1 million
            (cancer subset = 4 million)

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New ATM (cont’d)

New ATM (cont’d)

Use Advanced Search to focus search by subject terms.

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Citation Sensor

Citation Sensor

A new feature, the Citation Sensor, displays citations that match certain search patterns that look like specific citations (e.g., author, journal, year).   They will be displayed at the top of your search results.

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Diacritics now appear in all but the MEDLINE displays in PubMed.

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Summary Display

Summary Display

The sidebar on the Summary display has been removed to leave room for related links to other resources.

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Summary Display (cont’d)

Summary Display (cont’d)

Watch for changes and new features.

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Browser Advice

Browser Advice

Some users with unsupported browsers are being pointed to this page for details on what systems we think are most compatible with PubMed.

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Future Attractions

Future Attractions

Last updated: 05 June 2008
First published: 05 June 2008
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanence Not Guaranteed