2006 MARCH–APRIL; 349
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April 06, 2006 [posted]
April 24, 2006 [corrected]

NLM Classification 2006 Edition Now Available

t he NLM Classification, available online at http://wwwcf.nlm.nih.gov/class/, incorporates all additions and changes to the schedules and index from April 2005 through March 2006. This edition includes an online tutorial on searching the NLM Classification.

Major Changes

Proteins and bacteria were the major areas revised for the 2006 edition.

Class Numbers Added and Canceled

Class Numbers Added - 2006

New Number
Class Name
Former Number
QT Physiology
QT 36.5 Nanotechnology QT 36
QU Biochemistry
QU 55.2 Carrier proteins. Intracellular signaling peptides and proteins QU 55
QU 55.3 Cytoskeletal proteins. Scleroproteins QU 55
QU 55.4 Dietary proteins QU 55
QU 55.5 Glycoproteins QU 55
QU 55.6 Heat-shock proteins. Molecular chaperones QU 55
QU 55.7 Membrane proteins. Cell surface receptors QU 55
QU 55.8 Metalloproteins QU 55
QU 55.9 Protein phenomena QU 55
QW Microbiology. Immunology
QW 90 Biofilms Various numbers
QW 125.5.B4 Bifidobacterium QW 125.5.A2
QW 125.5.B7 Brevibacterium QW 118
QW 125.5.C5 Corynebacterium QW 118
QW 125.5.P7 Propionibacteriaceae QW 120
WB Practice of Medicine
WB 112 Osteopathic medicine WB 940

Class Numbers Canceled - 2006

[Editor's note: A correction was made to "New Number" for Actinobacteria. The corrected number is QW 125.]

Canceled Number
Class Name
New Number
QV 115 Synthetic local anesthetics QV 113
QW 115 Actinobacteria QW 125
QW 118 Corynebacterium QW 125.5.C5
QW 120 Propionibacteriaceae QW 125.5.P7
QW 153 Sheathed bacteria. Budding or appendaged bacteria QW 133

Other Changes to the Schedule

New Table G Numbers

The following Table G numbers were added to the outline of geographic tables used in the NLM Classification. (see http://www.nlm.nih.gov/class/TableGOutline.html)

      GA3-Eastern Europe
      GB2-Baltic States1

Changes to the Index

To learn more about the NLM Classification see the Fact Sheet.

1 See New Table G Classification Number Added to the NLM Classification in the 2005 May-Jun; (344)NLM Technical Bulletin.

By Sharon R. Willis and Paul DeAnna, Ph.D.
Cataloging Section, Technical Services Division

Willis SR, DeAnna P. NLM Classification 2006 Edition Now Available. NLM Tech Bull. 2006 Mar-Apr;(349):e6.

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