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Statewide Transportation Planning

The United States depends on a safe and efficient transportation system to strengthen communities, provide access to jobs, services, and centers of trade, and, retain and enhance our economic competitiveness in the global marketplace. Transportation effects almost every aspect of our lives. The statewide transportation planning process is a forum through which transportation decisions are made to address these issues. States are required to conduct continuing, comprehensive and collaborative intermodal statewide transportation planning that facilitates the efficient, economic movement of people and goods in all areas of the state, including metropolitan areas.

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Resources & Publications

Legislation & Regulations

Planning Policy & Guidance
Statewide and metropolitan transportation planning processes are governed by Federal law (23 USC 134 and 135). Applicable state and local laws are required if Federal highway or transit funds are used for transportation investments. Federal planning regulations are codified in 23 CFR 450. The local consultation rule and the correction are available at the Office of Environment, Planning, and Realty's Legislation, Regulations, & Policy Web page.

Planning Practices

Financing Planning

Planning Forecasting

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