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yttrium Y 90 anti-CD66 monoclonal antibody BW 250/183
A radioimmunoconjugate consisting of the murine IgG1 monoclonal antibody BW250/183 labeled with yttrium Y 90 with potential radioimmunotherapeutic activity. Yttrium Y 90 anti-CD66 monoclonal antibody BW 250/183 binds to a 95 kD nonspecific cross-reacting antigen (CD66b or NCA-95) on granulocytes, selectively delivering a cytotoxic dose of Y 90 beta radiation to CD66b-expressing cells. CD66b, a member of the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) family with an unknown function, appears early in the differentiation of granulopoietic cells and is expressed on the cell surface of almost all human granulocytes and their more mature precursors. Check for active clinical trials or closed clinical trials using this agent. (NCI Thesaurus)

Previous:Y-90 OctreoTher, YM598, yoshi-864, yttrium Y 90 anti-CD19 monoclonal antibody BU12, yttrium Y 90 anti-CD45 monoclonal antibody AHN-12
Next:yttrium Y 90 anti-CEA monoclonal antibody cT84.66, yttrium Y 90 daclizumab, yttrium Y 90 DOTA anti-CEA monoclonal antibody M5A, yttrium Y 90 DOTA monoclonal antibody HuAFP31, yttrium Y 90 DOTA monoclonal antibody HuPAM4

A Service of the National Cancer Institute
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health