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The AbilityOne Liaison Network

AbilityOne Liaisons (federal employees designated by their agency's Procurement Executive or other senior official to promote AbilityOne agency-wide) and AbilityOne Associate Liaisons (AbilityOne supporters in field offices or other divisions who volunteer to help promote AbilityOne within their areas) provide a crucial backbone of support for the Program. This diverse group of individuals plays a key role in generating AbilityOne employment opportunities nationwide. Federal acquisition professionals, purchase card holders and others responsible for purchasing decisions, as well as federal employees who simply have an interest in disability issues and a willingness to help spread the word about AbilityOne to their co-workers, are welcome to join the AbilityOne Liaison Network!

To learn about suggested activities for AbilityOne Liaisons click on "How Liaisons Can Help."

To see a list of AbilityOne Liaisons and Associate Liaisons by federal agency click on "Liaison List."

To help reduce the 70% unemployment rate that exists among Americans with disabilities by becoming a liaison, please contact your agency-wide AbilityOne Liaison (click on "Liaison List,") or Bob Hartt of the Committee staff.

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