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Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (Uniform Act or URA)

Low Income Calculations - 49 CFR 24.402(b)(2)(ii)


The Uniform Act provides, in part, for relocation assistance and payments to eligible persons displaced from their homes, businesses and farms as a direct result of a Federally funded program or project. Residential tenants and owner-occupants of 90 days or more that are displaced from their dwellings may be eligible for a replacement housing payment for rental assistance or down payment assistance. In order to determine the amount of a rental assistance payment under the URA regulations (49 CFR 24.402), the base monthly rental for the displacement dwelling must be determined. 49 CFR 24.402(b)(2)(ii) prescribes the method to determine whether a displaced person should be classified as "low income" and thereby requiring thirty (30) percent of the displaced person's average monthly gross household income to be considered in their base monthly rental calculation.)

URA Low Income Calculation Example

HUD's Low Income Limit Technical Resources.The low income resources available through the links below must be used when making a low income calculation to determine the amount of a rental assistance payment under 49 CFR 24.402. Note: The 2009 income limits were effective on 3/19/2009. All income calculations made on or after 3/19/2009 must use the 2009 tables below.

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