Biographical Sketch, Dan-Sung C. Cho

Photograph of Dan-Sung C. Cho
Technical Information Specialist
National Library of Medicine
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Dan Cho joined the Medical Subject Headings Section in July 2008. He earned his undergraduate degree in Biology from Texas A&M University and has a Ph.D. degree in Genetics from North Carolina State University.

He received postdoctoral training at the Wistar Institute where his main research interest included RNA editing enzyme and RNAi mechanisms. Prior to arriving at the Medical Subject Headings Section, he was involved in molecular etiology of Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorders and held the position of a Research Scientist at the University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine. He also examined US patent applications on DNA technology at the US PTO.

Last reviewed: 05 August 2008
Last updated: 05 August 2008
First published: 05 August 2008
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