U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives

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California Area Indian Health Service

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  Home > Clinical Management > Diabetes > Frequently Asked Questions  
  FAQs for Diabetes Professionals  
Do I have to submit the 2009 Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI) continuing grant application (grant) using the grants.gov web site?

Yes, this was mandated in January 2006 to submit the SDPI grant electronically via grants.gov.

How do I find out if my healthcare organization is registered to submit the SDPI continuing application via Grants.gov?

Access the following web site:
www.grants.gov then click get started (located in the top right corner of page).

Then search the CCR for your Ebiz POCs (located on the right side of this page).

Enter your organization DUNS number in the top line (Once you enter your organization DUNS number it will bring up the contacts within your organization who have the authority to submit the SDPI grant electronically or who can authorize you to submit the grant electronically via grants.gov). The important contacts within your organization are the persons registered as the Government Business Point of Contact (POC) and Alternate and the Electronic Business Point of Contact and Alternate. At most healthcare organizations, the electronic business (E Biz) POC is the person who will submit the grant electronically.

What is the California area diabetes prevalence rate?
It is 13 percent (age adjusted prevalence of diagnosed diabetes among American Indians/Alaska Natives aged 20 years or older, 2006).
What SDPI grant year are we currently working in?

We are currently working in Year 12 (Fiscal Year 2009). The fiscal year began October 01, 2008 and ends September 30, 2009 (there will continue to be four cycles).

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Indian Health Service (HQ) - The Reyes Building, 801 Thompson Avenue, Ste. 400 - Rockville, MD 20852