Chapter 302—Relocation Allowances
Subchapter D—Transportation and Storage of Property

Part 302-10—Allowances for Transportation of Mobile Homes and Boats Used as a Primary Residence

Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5738; 20 U.S.C. 905 (a); E.O. 11609, 36 FR 13747, 3 CFR, 1971–1975 Comp., p. 586.

Subpart A—Eligibility and Limitations

Note to Subpart A: Use of pronouns “I”, “you”, and their variants throughout this subpart refers to the employee.

§302-10.1  May I be reimbursed for transporting my mobile home instead of an HHG shipment?

Yes, if you are eligible for the transportation of HHG, you will be reimbursed for transporting a mobile home instead of an HHG shipment, not to exceed what the Government would incur for the transportation of your HHG and 90-days temporary storage.

§302-10.2  Are there any eligibility requirements?

Yes, to have a mobile home transported at Government expense, you must certify that the mobile home will be used at the new official station as your primary residence and/or the primary residence of your immediate family.

§302-10.3  What is the maximum amount my agency may authorize me to receive for transporting a mobile home?

The maximum amount your agency may authorize you to receive for transporting a mobile home shall not exceed the cost of transporting 18,000 pounds of HHG and 90 days of temporary storage.

§302-10.4  Are there any geographic limitations for transportation of a mobile home?

Yes, allowances for overland transportation of a mobile home may be made only for transportation within CONUS, within Alaska, and through Canada en route between Alaska and CONUS or through Canada between one CONUS point and another (e.g., between Buffalo, NY and Detroit, MI). Allowances for transportation within limits prescribed may be paid even though the transportation involved originates, terminates, or passes through locations not covered, provided the amount of the allowance shall be computed on the basis of that part of the transportation which is within CONUS, within Alaska, or through Canada en route between Alaska and CONUS or between one CONUS point and another. The cost to transport a mobile home may not exceed the cost of shipping 18,000 pounds of HHG and 90 days of temporary storage.

§302-10.5  May I transport a mobile home over water?

Yes, you may transport a mobile home over water when both the points of origin and destination are within CONUS or Alaska.

§302-10.6  Are the allowances for transporting a mobile home in addition to the allowances for per diem, mileage, and transportation expenses, for me and my immediate family member(s)?

Yes, allowances for transporting a mobile home (including mileage when towed by you) are in addition to the reimbursement of per diem, mileage, and transportation expenses for you and your immediate family member(s). However, you must consider the fact that the mobile home may be moved at Government expense only if it will be used as your residence at the new official station, and allowances under Parts 302-5, 302-6, and 302-11 of this chapter will be paid accordingly.

Subpart B—Computation of Distance

§302-10.100  What distance will my agency allow for points of origin and destination within CONUS and Alaska?

Your agency will allow for the distance shown in standard highway mileage guides or agency designated official table of distances or actual miles driven as determined from your odometer readings, between the authorized origin and destination.

§302-10.101  Must I furnish actual odometer readings on the travel claim?

No, you do not need to furnish odometer readings on the travel claim but you must indicate the total miles traveled. Any deviation from the distances indicated in standard highway mileage guides or agency official table of distances must be fully explained and acceptable to your agency.

Subpart C—Computation of Allowances

§302-10.200  What costs are allowable when a commercial carrier transports my mobile home overland or over water?

Your agency will allow the following costs for use of a commercial carrier transporting your mobile home:

(a) When transporting overland;

(1) The carrier’s charge for actual transportation of the mobile home (not to exceed the applicable tariff for such movements approved by an appropriate regulatory body), provided any substantial deviation from standard highway mileage guides or agency official table of distances is explained;

(2) Ferry fares, bridge, road, and tunnel tolls;

(3) Taxes, charges or fees fixed by a State or other government authority for permits to transport mobile homes in or through its jurisdiction;

(4) Carrier’s service charges for obtaining necessary permits; and

(5) Charges for a pilot (flag) car or escort services, when required by State or local law.

(b) When transporting over water cost must include, but not limited to the cost of:

(1) Fuel and oil used for propulsion of the boat;

(2) Pilots or navigators in the open water;

(3) A crew;

(4) Charges for harbor pilots;

(5) Docking fees incurred in transit;

(6) Harbor or port fees and similar charges related to entry in and navigation through ports; and

(7) Towing, whether in tow or towing by pushing from behind.

§302-10.201  What is the mileage allowance when you transport a mobile home overland by a POV?

The mileage allowance when you transport a mobile home overland by other than commercial means (e.g., towed by a POV) is eleven cents per mile. This is in addition to the mileage allowance prescribed for driving the POV under Part 302-4 of this chapter.

§302-10.202  Am I entitled to any other allowances when I transport my mobile home by POV?

Yes, you are also entitled to the following allowances when you transport your mobile home by POV:

(a) Payment of mileage for use of a POV to transport yourself and /or immediate family member(s) as provided in §302-4.300 of this chapter; and

(b) Preparation costs as provided in §302-10.205.

§302-10.203  What are my allowances when a mobile home is transported partly by commercial carrier and partly by POV?

The allowances in §§302-10.200 through 302-10.202 apply to the respective portions of transportation by commercial carrier and POV when a mobile home is transported by both.

§302-10.204  What costs are allowed for preparing a mobile home for shipment?

Allowable costs for preparing a mobile home for shipment include but are not limited to:

(a) Blocking and unblocking (including anchoring and unanchoring);

(b) Labor costs of removing and installing skirting;

(c) Separating, preparing, and sealing each section for movement;

(d) Reassembling the two halves of a double-wide mobile home;

(e) Travel lift fees;

(f) Rental, installation, removal and transportation of hitches and extra axles with wheels and tires;

(g) Purchasing blocks in lieu of transporting blocks from old official station and cost of replacement blocks broken while mobile home was being transported;

(h) Packing and unpacking of HHG associated with the mobile home;

(i) Disconnecting and connecting utilities;

(j) Installation and removal of towing lights on trailer;

(k) Charges for reasonable extension of existing water and sewer lines; and

(l) Dismantling and assembling a portable room appended to a mobile home.

§302-10.205  Are there any costs for preparation that are not allowed?

Yes, costs for preparing a mobile home located outside Alaska or CONUS for movement or the costs for resettling outside Alaska or CONUS are not allowed.

§302-10.206  May my agency assume direct responsibility for the costs of preparing and transporting my mobile home?

Yes, your agency may assume direct responsibility for the costs of preparing and transporting your mobile home if it is determined to be in the Government’s interest.

§302-10.207  Am I responsible for excess or non-allowable charges?

Yes, you are responsible for any excess preparation or transportation or non-allowable charges, such as:

(a) Costs for replacement parts, tires purchases, structural repairs, brake repairs or any other repairs or maintenance performed;

(b) Costs of insurance for valuation of mobile homes above carriers’ maximum liabilities, or charges designated in the tariffs as “Special Service;”

(c) Cost of storage; and

(d) Costs of connecting/disconnecting appliances, equipment, and utilities involved in relocation and costs of converting appliances for operation on available utilities.

Subpart D—Advance of Funds

§302-10.300  May I receive an advance of funds when a commercial carrier transports the mobile home?

Yes, you may receive an advance of funds when you are responsible for arranging and paying a commercial carrier to transport your mobile home. However, the advance may not exceed the estimated amount allowable.

§302-10.301  May I receive an advance of funds when payment is made directly to the carrier by my agency?

No, your agency will not authorize you an advance of funds when it pays the carrier directly.

Subpart E—Agency Responsibilities

Note to Subpart E: Use of pronouns “we”, “you”, and their variants throughout this subpart refers to the agency.

§302-10.400  What policies must we establish for authorizing transportation of a mobile home?

You must establish policies for authorizing transportation of a mobile home that implements this part including when:

(a) It is considered in the best interest of the Government to assume direct responsibility for preparing and transporting an employee’s mobile home;

(b) To authorize an advance of funds for a commercial carrier transporting an employee’s mobile home based on constructive or estimated cost when the employee assumes direct responsibility for payment.

§302-10.401  Are the allowances for transporting a mobile home in addition to the allowances for per diem, mileage, and transportation expenses, for an employee and immediate family member(s)?

Yes, allowances for transporting a mobile home (including mileage when towed by the employee) are in addition to the allowances for per diem, mileage, and transportation expenses. However, you must consider the fact that the mobile home will be used as the employee’s and/or immediate family member(s) primary residence at the new official station, and reduce the allowances under Parts 302-5, 302-6, and 302-11 of this chapter.

§302-10.402  What costs must we pay a commercial carrier for transporting a mobile home?

The costs you must pay a commercial carrier for transporting a mobile home are prescribed in §302-10.200.

§302-10.403  What costs must we allow for preparing a mobile home for shipment?

The costs you must allow for preparing a mobile home for shipment are prescribed in §302-10.205.

Last Reviewed 4/2/2009