Chapter 300—General
Subchapter B—Agency Requirements

Part 300-70—Agency Reporting Requirements

Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5707; 5 U.S.C. 5738; 5 U.S.C. 5741–5742; 20 U.S.C. 905(a); 31 U.S.C. 1353; 40 U.S.C. 121(c); 49 U.S.C. 40118; E.O. 11609, 3 CFR, 1971–1975 Comp., p. 586.

Subpart A—Requirement to Report Agency Payments for Employee Travel and Relocation

§300-70.1  What are the requirements for reporting payments for employee travel and relocation?

Agencies (as defined in §301-1.1) that spent more than $5 million on travel and transportation payments, including relocation, during the fiscal year immediately preceding the survey year must report this information. Every two years GSA will distribute the Federal Agencies Travel Survey which is assigned Interagency Control No. 0362-GSA-AN. Copies of the survey may be obtained from the Director, Travel Management Policy Division (MTT), Office of Governmentwide Policy, General Services Administration, Washington, DC 20405.

§300-70.2  What information must we report?

For the fiscal year reporting period you must report the following information:

(a) Estimated total agency payments for travel and transportation of people;

(b) Average costs and duration of trips;

(c) Amount of official travel by purpose(s);

(d) Estimated total agency payments for employee relocation;

(e) The estimated cost of administrating your agency’s processing of travel authorizations and travel vouchers; and

(f) Any other specific information GSA may require for the reporting period.

§300-70.3  How long will we have to respond to the travel survey?

The survey will specify the due date. The head of your agency must appoint a designee at the headquarters level responsible for ensuring that the survey is completed and returned to GSA by the due date. Upon receiving a survey, you must submit the designee’s name, address, and telephone number to the Director, Travel Management Policy Division (MTT), Office of Governmentwide Policy, General Services Administration, Washington, DC 20405.

§300-70.4  How do we respond to the travel survey if we have major suborganizations?

If you have major suborganizations, you must submit responses as follows:

(a) A separate response from each suborganization which spent more than $5 million for travel and relocation during the fiscal year immediately preceding the survey year;

(b) A consolidated response covering all your suborganizations which did not spend more than $5 million for travel and relocation during the fiscal year immediately preceding the survey year; and

(c) A consolidated response which covers all components of your agency.

Subpart B—Requirement to Report Use of First-Class Transportation Accommodations

§300-70.100  Who must report use of first-class transportation accommodations?

An agency as defined in §301-1.1 of this subtitle.

§300-70.101  What information must we report?

All instances in which you authorized/approved the use of first-class transportation accommodations. This report has been assigned Interagency Report Control No. 0411-GSA-AN.

§300-70.102  How often must we report the required information?

Once every year.

§300-70.103  When will GSA request this information?

Generally, GSA will notify agencies during the summer months that this information is required and will indicate the date reports are due.

§300-70.104  Are there any exceptions to the reporting requirement?

Yes. You are not required to report data that is protected from public disclosure by statute or Executive Order. However, you are required to submit, in your cover letter to GSA, the following aggregate information unless that information is also protected from public disclosure:

(a) Aggregate number of authorized first-class trips that are protected from disclosure;

(b) Total of actual first-class fares paid; and

(c) Total of coach-class fares that would have been paid for the same travel.

Subpart C—[Reserved]

Last Reviewed 2/26/2009