Chapter 301—Temporary Duty (TDY) Travel Allowances
Subchapter A—Introduction

Part 301-1—Applicability

Authority: 5 U.S.C. 5707.

§301-1.1  What is an “agency” for purposes of TDY allowances?

An agency includes

But does not include

An Executive agency, as defined in 5 U.S.C. 105 (except for Government-Controlled Corporations, i.e., mixed ownership Government Corporation as defined in 31 U.S. C. 9101)

A military department

An office, agency or other establishment in the legislative branch

The Government of the District of Columbia

A Government-controlled corporation

A Member of Congress

An office or committee of either House of Congress or of the two Houses

An office, agency or other establishment in the judicial branch

§301-1.2  What is an “employee” for purposes of TDY allowances?

An “employee” is:

(a) An individual employed by an agency, regardless of status or rank; or

(b) An individual employed intermittently in Government service as an expert or consultant and paid on a daily when-actually-employed (WAE) basis; or

(c) An individual serving without pay or at $1 a year (also referred to as “invitational traveler”).

§301-1.3  Who is eligible for TDY allowances?

This chapter covers the following individuals:

(a) Employees traveling on official business;

(b) Interviewees performing pre-employment interview travel;

(c) Employees who must interrupt official business travel to perform emergency travel as a result of an incapacitating illness or injury or a personal emergency situation; and

(d) Threatened law enforcement/investigative employees and members of their family temporarily relocated to safeguard their lives because of a threat resulting from the employee’s assigned duties.

Last Reviewed 4/2/2009