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2004 Wisconsin Real Estate Peer Exchange Report

September 20 - 24, 2004

Hosted by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Bureau of Highway Real Estate

Funded by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Research, Development & Technology Transfer Program

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Final Report

Table of Contents




Preparing for the Exchange

Key Observations and Best Practices Discussed

Appendix A: Peer Exchange Agenda

Appendix B: WisDOT Background Information

Appendix C: Survey Results

WisDOT Bureau of Highway Real Estate
Peer Exchange
September 20 - 24, 2004


The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Bureau of Highway Real Estate (BHRE) is working to streamline and optimize many of its program areas in the face of budget cuts, restructuring, and inefficiencies. In an effort to be as successful as possible in these efforts, WisDOT hosted a peer exchange from September 20-24, 2004. The goal of the meeting was to provide an opportunity for Wisconsin and all other participating states to learn from the successes and experiences of others.

Representatives from six state DOTs, along with FHWA representatives from Illinois and Washington D.C., gathered in Madison, Wisconsin to share procedural best practices in the areas of valuation methodologies; consulting and in-house staffing; local public agency and staffing alternatives; and property management. WisDOT real estate representatives from all eight districts participated in the event. The meetings consisted of both presentations and active discussions as the group worked to share key information on participants' respective programs.

Funded by WisDOT's Research, Development and Technology Transfer (RD&T) Program, the exchange proved to be a very effective use of State Planning and Research (SP&R) dollars. Although WisDOT initiated and funded the event, the out-of-state participants also left the exchange full of new ideas for improving their states' real estate and right-of-way programs.

This report summarizes the best practices that came out of the peer exchange discussions throughout the week. It is the result of a collaborative effort between WisDOT, FHWA, and CTC & Associates (for the RD&T Program). WisDOT's Bureau of Highway Real Estate will generate a separate report containing planned actions and recommendations for Wisconsin's real estate program.


The main theme of this exchange was Procedural Best Practices. Discussions focused on the following topics with the aim of establishing best practices and sharing lessons learned. See Appendix B for a full description of WisDOT's current program operations and specific areas of concern that were addressed during the exchange.

Valuation Methodologies

Consultants & In-house Staffing Issues

LPA & Staffing Alternatives

Property Management

In addition, several discussions under a "Lucky Strikes Extra" title gave participants an opportunity to follow up on related topics and to briefly address common concerns in other real estate areas. See Appendix A for the complete peer exchange agenda.

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The following representatives from state Departments of Transportation participated in the exchange:

In addition, the following FHWA representatives participated:

WisDOT had outstanding participation from the following real estate managers and staff around the state:

Craig Andersen

Anna Anton

Joel Batha

Marvin Braund

Jay Buchite

Rebecca Burkel

Fran Coenen

Earl Cramer

Richard Dickson

Michaeleen Erickson

Joseph Farmer

Dennis Fonger

Connie Griesbach

Richard Happel

Allen Holmstrom

Margaret Hutnik

Patricia Jackson-Ward

Shau-Nong Jea

G. Joe Johnson

Abe Kaalele

David Kircher

Larry Knutson

Rebecca Krugman

Jeri Krugman

James Kuehn

Joe Lacenski

Robert Leggate

Cynthia Magray

Cynthia Michalski

Olabunmi Olapo

Norman Pawelczyk

Kip Pelegrin

Ronald Polacek

Russell Prusak

Tonia Rice

Debra Sinkula

Larry Stein

Roger Szudera

Carrol Waldenberger

Kenneth Wickham

Margaret Zastrow


The individuals below represented WisDOT's RD&T Program at the exchange:

Nina McLawhorn, WisDOT Research Administrator
K im Linsenmayer, CTC & Associates
Maryellen Charbonneau, CTC & Associates

In addition, Claudia Orvis from WisDOT's Office of Organizational Development Services facilitated the week's discussions.

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Preparing for the Exchange

A planning team consisting of representatives from RD&T, BHRE and FHWA spent six months planning the exchange, determining which topics to pursue, which states to invite, what format the meetings should take, and what logistically should take place to ensure a successful meeting. Below are the members of the planning team:

Rebecca Krugman, WisDOT Bureau of Highway Real Estate
Patricia Jackson-Ward, WisDOT Bureau of Highway Real Estate
Richard Happel, WisDOT Transportation District 3 Real Estate
Michaeleen Erickson, WisDOT Transportation District 4 Real Estate
Joseph Farmer, WisDOT Transportation District 5 Real Estate
David Kircher, WisDOT Transportation District 7 Real Estate
Roger Szudera, FHWA-Wisconsin
Kim Linsenmayer, CTC & Associates on behalf of RD&T

With the help of the RD&T Program, the planning team conducted an informal survey of state DOTs in an effort to identify which states shared the same concerns as WisDOT, were similarly structured, and had embraced best practices that participants in the exchange could gain from. See the full survey results in Appendix C.

To help the out-of-state participants prepare for the exchange, the planning team sent participants extensive background information about WisDOT's real estate program in the exchange topical areas, along with a list of concerns to be addressed during the exchange. State DOT and FHWA representatives were asked to prepare short presentations on their respective programs for each topic of the exchange.

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Key Observations and Best Practices Discussed

Valuation Methodologies

Consultants & In-house Staffing

LPA & Staffing Alternatives

Property Management

Other topics

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