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Human impacts
The effects, intentional or unintentional, beneficial or harmful, direct or indirect, which human activities have upon the environment and living things.
Land use change (19 items)
Mining hazards (10 items)
Overfishing (3 items)
Overgrazing (1 items)
Abandoned mines and quarries (2 items)
Waste treatment and disposal (19 items)
Dredging (1 items)
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Results 1 - 80 of 80 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Patuxent's effects of ecological processes and human impacts on biological resources--invasive species [New Window]
List and brief abstracts on research projects on invasive species, the ecology of introduced species, and developing management strategies at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.
Biological resource status and trends: Impacts of human recreation [New Window]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on impacts of human recreation
Assessing the impacts of climate variability and change on the Nation's resources [New Window]
Site for a USGS project under the U.S. Global Change Research Program for a national assessment of the impacts of climate variability and change on resources with links to impacts in Alaska, western U.S., public lands, and water resources.
Biological resource status and trends: Human activities [New Window]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on the impact of human activities
Biological resource status and trends: Impacts of agricultural practices [New Window]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on the impacts of agricultural practices
Human Health Database [New Window]
Central site providing links to USGS databases and homepages providing significant data and information on research related to human health.
Measuring human-induced land subsidence from space [New Window]
Examples of the use of Satellite Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar to measure and map changes on the Earth's surface as an aid to understanding how ground-water pumping, hydrocarbon production, or other human activities cause land subsidence.
Natural and human drivers of biodiversity in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem [New Window]
This study reconstructs past interactions among ecosystem factors, native species, and human land use in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem to provide a context for future management to sustain both ecological and human communities.
Potential environmental impacts of quarrying stones in karst - a literature review [New Window]
This report is the result of an extensive literature search to determine the state-of-the-knowledge regarding environmental impacts from quarrying carbonate rocks in karst formations to better use of karst resources in sustainable ways.
Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) [New Window]
Homepage of the Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) initiative programs supporting actions to remedy contaminations associated with hard rock mining. Includes data from the Upper Animas River and Boulder River, bibliography of reports, and pictures.
Amargosa Desert research site [New Window]
Online reports, site description and photographs of the Amargosa Desert research site monitoring low level radioactive waste.
Amphibian declines and deformities [New Window]
Amphibian population declines and deformities due to various causes including land use change, viruses, and fungi. Links to USGS press releases, answers to FAQs (HTML and PDF versions) and photos with downloadable files.
An overview of coastal land loss with emphasis on the southeastern United States [New Window]
Comprehensive background information on coastal land loss, discussing the influence of waves and storms, the intrinsic characteristics of the shoreline materials, and the role of human activities.
PDF Analyzing land use change in urban environments [New Window]
Describes the USGS Urban Dynamics Research Program that studies landscape changes resulting from the growth of metropolitan regions over time.
Animal feeding operations, effects on hydrologic resources and the environment: proceedings [New Window]
Papers from a 1999 symposium on the possible effects on water resources and the environment of large agricultural feeding operations for pigs, chickens, and cattle, with links to other meetings, bibliography, and research studies. (Also as PDF files)
Assessing the impact of urban sprawl on soil resources in the United States using nighttime "city lights" satellite images and digital soils maps [New Window]
Paper from Land Use History of North America giving results of a study to estimate the extent of developed land in the United States and the impact of development on soil resources.
PDF Beyond the Golden Gate--oceanography, geology, biology, and environmental issues in the Gulf of the Farallones [New Window]
A geologic and oceanographic study of the waters and Continental Shelf of Gulf of the Farallones adjacent to the San Francisco Bay region. The results of the study provide a scientific basis to evaluate and monitor human impact on the marine environment.
Bibliography of fire effects and related literature applicable to the ecosystems and species of Wisconsin [New Window]
The bibliography provides citations pertinent to the effects of fire and its prescribed use on the ecosystems and species of Wisconsin and the upper Midwest. Three separate subject indexes are provided: general, species, and geographic location.
Biodiversity and land-use history of the Palouse bioregion: pre-European to present [New Window]
Study of the processes by which the conversion occurred of the Palouse bioregion from perennial native grass, shrub, and forest vegetation to agriculture and the interactions between human cultures and environment.
Biogeochemical and geohydrologic processes in a landfill-impacted alluvial aquifer, Norman, Oklahoma [New Window]
Discussion and links to research for the multi-disciplinary investigation on the Norman Landfill located on alluvium associated with the Canadian River in central Oklahoma.
Biological resource status and trends: Land use change [New Window]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on land use change
Biological resource status and trends: Light and noise pollution [New Window]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on light and noise pollution
Biological resource status and trends: Resource use and extraction [New Window]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on resource use and extraction
Biological soil crusts [New Window]
Explains biological soil crusts, organism-produced soil formations commonly found in semiarid and arid environments, with special reference to their biological composition, physical characteristics, and ecological significance.
PDF Biological soil crusts: webs of life in the desert [New Window]
Fact sheet on the need to protect biological soil crusts in the desert. These crusts are most of the soil surface in deserts not covered by green plants and are inhabited by cyanobacterium (blue-green algae) and other organisms useful to the ecosystem.
Biosolids, Animal Manure, and Earthworms: Is There a Connection? [New Window]
Research findings and examples of application to real problems--how household contaminants accumulate in and effect the environment
Boston Harbor Studies: the fate of sediments and contaminants in Massachusetts Bay [New Window]
Boston Harbor/Massachusetts Bay Studies research project conducted as part of Boston Harbor cleanup to predict the fate of contaminants and sediments introduced to Massachusetts' coastal waters from sources that include Boston sewage outfall.
Coal-mine-drainage projects in Pennsylvania [New Window]
Studies by the USGS documenting the extent of surface-water and ground water degradation associated with coal mining in Pennsylvania and the effects of mining and reclamation practices. Includes map of mine sites.
Coastal change hazards digital library [New Window]
Online catalog of reports and data on coastal change hazards, indexed by author, agency, project, location, feature type, and topic
Detection and analysis of open space change in Yavapai and Southern Mohave Counties, Arizona [New Window]
Digital image maps documenting the amount of change in open space between 1984 and 1997 within the study area and document where these changes have occurred in order to effectively evaluate change in big game habitat.
Dissolved solids in basin-fill aquifers and streams in the southwestern United States [New Window]
Effects of land use on water quality in Michigan [New Window]
Links to projects that provide information on the relation of land use to water quality, sources of pollutants, or trends in water quality.
PDF Effects of wastewater on forested wetlands [New Window]
Study of the effects of the practice of cycling municipal nutrient-enriched wastewater from holding ponds through forested wetlands. Studies were in the Cypiere Perdue Swamp, Louisiana, and the Drummond Bog, Wisconsin.
Environmental Affairs Program [New Window]
The USGS reviews and prepares technical comments on environmental impact statements and establishes policies to implement the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Site has links to environmental laws and regulations including NEPA.
Environmental processes that affect mineral deposits in the Eastern United States [New Window]
Studies in Eastern United States on massive sulfide deposits in Maine, Vermont, Great Smoky Mountains, and Virginia to assess potential environmental impacts.
Erosion in the Rio Puerco: geography and processes [New Window]
Paper on the accelerated erosion of the Rio Puerco, a tributary of the Rio Grande in New Mexico, which has deepened and widened its channel, or arroyo, since the settlement of the region.
Fish passage through dams in large temperate floodplain rivers: an annotated bibliography [New Window]
Report describes an electronic database of annotated citations relevant to fish passage through dams. Document may be searched using the search form or downloaded as an Endnote, Microsoft Word, or WordPerfect
Fluvial geomorphology studies in Kansas [New Window]
Report of completed studies that have investigated the response of river and stream channels in Kansas to a variety of human-caused and natural disturbances.
Fragile environments: San Francisco Bay wetlands [New Window]
Overview with links to studies on the effects of human activity on the San Francisco estuary with loss of historic fresh and saltwater tidal marshes reducing habitats, introducing contaminants in waste, and creating dredging problems.
Framework for Assessing the Sustainability of Monitored Natural Attenuation [New Window]
Research findings and examples of application to real problems--When can natural processes to reduce, or even destroy, contaminants at toxic waste sites be relied on?
Front Range Infrastructure Resources Project (FRIRP) [New Window]
Home page for the Front Range Infrastructure Resources Project, a demonstration study of the northern Colorado Front Range urban corridor and the entire Rocky Mountain Front Range urban corridor with links to projects, datasets, and publications.
Geologic framework and process of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin [New Window]
Field methods, topics of investigation, shoreline changes, publications, and satellite imagery related to geologic and hydrologic processes affecting Lake Pontchartrain and adjacent lakes which form a large estuary in the Gulf Coast region.
Geologic studies of mercury [New Window]
Collection of six short papers related to the mercury geochemical society, the study of mercury in coal, concentrations in sediment, soil, water, and fish collected near mercury and gold mines, and volanic emissions of mercury.
Global change research - earth surface dynamics [New Window]
Homepage for USGS Global Change Research projects which seek to understand the interrelationships among earth surface processes, ecological systems, and human activities. Links to projects with descriptions and products and downloadable poster.
Gulf of the Farallones disposal issues: disposal and waste disposal [New Window]
Study of the effects on the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary resulting from the disposal of San Francisco dredged material and barrels of low-level radioactive waste with links to publications and atlas with digital images.
Household Chemicals and Drugs Found in Biosolids from Wastewater Treatment Plants [New Window]
Research findings and examples of application to real problems--biosolids have high concentrations of household contaminants compared to treated liquid wastewater effluent.
International Program at the Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS) Data Center - environmental monitoring and information systems [New Window]
Overview of the environmental monitoring component of the international program at the EROS Data Center using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology, with links to data, partners, publications, and workshops.
Kentucky District - program highlights [New Window]
Brief descriptions of research programs in water resources in Kentucky with a few links to program websites. Programs include data collection projects, acid mine drainage, hydrodynamics, geology, waste site cleanup and hydrogeology.
Land Subsidence in the United States [New Window]
Describes and provides several detiled examples of impacts of human-induced land subsidence resulting from the extraction of subsurface water, including aquifer-system compaction, drainage of organic soils, dissolution and collapse of susceptible rocks.
Land Subsidence in the United States [New Window]
Describes and provides examples of impacts of human-induced land subsidence resulting from the extraction of subsurface water, including aquifer-system compaction, drainage of organic soils, dissolution and collapse of susceptible rocks.
Land use history of North America (LUHNA) [New Window]
Report prepared with NASA on the importance of a historical context for understanding ongoing changes in land cover and land use in North America and the effect on the environment. Site contains primarily contents of a book edited by T.D. Sisk.
Measuring land subsidence from space [New Window]
Describes the use of satellite-borne Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) to precisely measure, monitor, and assess small changes in land surface elevation resulting from human-induced or naturally occuring land subsidence.
More than broken jars and roof tiles: the environmental legacy of a Roman mineral industry at Plasenzuela, Extremadura, Spain [New Window]
Adaptation of a poster presented at Metals in Antiquity Symposium, Harvard, September 10-13, 1997.
Multibeam data and socio-economic issues in west-central San Francisco Bay [New Window]
Webpage based on USGS Open File Report 98-139 links to information on the San Francisco Bay estuary to study dredge disposal effects, fish habitats, sediment transport, rock pinnacles and navigation, and consequences of a large oil spill.
National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program [New Window]
Primary homepage for the National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program studying water quality in river, aquifer and coastal water basins throughout the nation. Links to reports, data, models, maps and national synthesis studies.
Oculina Bank - geology of a deep-water coral reef habitat off Florida [New Window]
Brief report on sidescan sonar data, sediment sampling, and submersible and video photography studies of destruction of deep-water coral pinnacles where fish spawn off east-central Florida in the Oculina Bank in order to restore and protect the habitat.
Parking-lot sealcoat: A major source of PAHs in urban and suburban environments [New Window]
Explanation of chemical contaminants released into aquatic environments by popular sealcoating compounds used in parking lots, with frequently-asked questions, links, and contact information.
Pathways of metal transfer from mineralized sources to bioreceptors [New Window]
A synthesis of the Mineral Resources Program's past and future research directions in the western U.S. on metal contamination due to mineral deposits and mining and the environmental effects on living organisms. Chapters 1, 4, and 6 as PDF files.
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center: Populations [New Window]
Descriptions of projects and resources on wildlife population ecology at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center with links to research activities, long-term programs, and resources and references.
Pautuxent Wildlife Research Center - Wetlands and other communities [New Window]
List and brief abstracts on projects at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center researching wetland ecology and ecosystem management in Eastern United States.
Pollution and waste disposal [New Window]
Lists priority survey areas and objectives of these programs.
Recoverability and vulnerability of desert ecosystems [New Window]
Research results (publications, photographs, maps) on ecological processes within the Mojave Desert Ecosystem to provide land managers with scientific understanding and tools needed to conserve and restore threatened desert landscapes.
San Francisco Bay change detection and mapping: use of Landsat Thematic Mapper Multitemporal images to detect and map changes in the San Francisco Bay area [New Window]
Remote sensing images of San Francisco Bay and Delta region.
Scientists examine the seas our ancestors fished to better understand today's changing oceans [New Window]
News release on study of the long-term effects of fishing to provide a framework for repairing coastal marine ecosystems that have been overfished for centuries.
Sense of place: a place-based approach to science for land management [New Window]
Examples of on-site, place-focused research programs using USGS scientists in land management projects.
Source Water-Quality Assessment [New Window]
Characterize the quality of selected rivers and aquifers used as a source of supply to community water systems in the United States to determine the occurrence of about 280 primary unregulated anthropogenic organic compounds.
Status and trends of the Nation's biological resources [New Window]
This report is major publication on national biological resources that compiles and presents status and trends information for use by resource managers and the public. Presents detail information on ecosystems, plants, and animals.
Studies of polluted sediment offshore Los Angeles [New Window]
Overview of studies of marine sediment on the continental shelf south of Los Angeles contaminated with DDT and PCBs from past sewage effluent discharges with links to research on Santa Monica Bay, Los Angeles Shelf and Palos Verdes Peninsula.
The Baltimore-Washington Regional Collaboratory Land-Use History Research Program [New Window]
A description of research activities of the Baltimore-Washington Regional Collaboratory urban growth in the Chesapeake region.
The U.S. Geological Survey and the Chesapeake Bay - the role of science in environmental restoration [New Window]
Summary of a circular on USGS environmental research and Chesapeake Bay with links to full document. Includes discussion of the problems of the estuary, restoration efforts, water quality, and effects on ecosystem.
The role of climate in estuarine variability [New Window]
Article from American Scientist on study of the San Francisco Bay estuary as a component of the global climate system showing that natural fluctuations might be mistaken for anthropogenic trends affecting waterflow and salinity.
PDF Toxicity and bioavailability of metals in the Missouri River adjacent to a lead refinery [New Window]
Report (PDF format) on an evaluation of the potential environmental impacts of contaminated ground water from a metals refinery adjacent to the Missouri River in Omaha, Nebraska testing water and sediments for contaminants and toxicity.
Tree rings record of 100 years of hydrologic change within a wetland [New Window]
Use of tree ring dating to study distinct episodes of hydrologic change in the Tully Valley wetland, New York recording history of solution-brine injection mining for salt.
USGS / Department of Energy cooperative studies in Nevada [New Window]
Describes cooperation of the USGS office in Las Vegas, Nevada, with the Department of Energy to address environmental and scientific issues at the Nevada Test Site and vicinity with links to project information.
USGS Global Change Science [New Window]
Broad overview of USGS research and monitoring designed to understand current changes in the context of prehistoric and recent earth processes, distinguishing between natural and human-influenced changes, and recognizing ecological and physical responses
USGS mine drainage activities [New Window]
Listing of USGS research and monitoring projects on mine drainage, in order to promote cooperation and collaboration among scientists working on problems related to mining and the environment.
Waste disposal and contaminant migration in the arid Southwest: Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nevada [New Window]
Links to studies at the Amargosa Desert Research Site by the USGS Toxic Substances Hydrology Program studying the subsurface migration and fate of contaminants in arid environments. Links to news, remediation, photos, bibliography and techniques.
Water resource investigations in Montana [New Window]
Information on objectives, approach, status, and publications of various research projects investigating water resources in Montana including studies on wetlands, bridge scour, reconstructed wetlands, abandoned mine lands, and others.
Water science for schools: land subsidence [New Window]
Site for elementary school studies on land subsidence with links to land subsidence in California, wells, ground water quality, sinkholes, glossary, and a random link.
Water science for schools: water quality [New Window]
Educational site for elementary school students on water quality with links to related topics including pesticides in ground water, kid's view, urbanization and water and others.

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