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Archived News Release — Caution: Information may be out of date.


Office of Public Affairs


Fri., Dec. 8, 1995

For more information call: 202/219-8211.

With continued steady employment growth, the American economy remains on course for a perfect landing.

Last month, 166,000 new payroll jobs were created, bringing the total increase in jobs since the beginning of the Clinton Administration to 7.7 million. The unemployment rate, at 5.6 percent, has been under six percent for 15 months, and has hovered in the 5.5 - 5.7 percent range for the last half year.

Still, while GDP, productivity and employment continue to rise at a healthy clip, real wages have not budged. In fact, hourly wages of production and nonsupervisory workers have dipped slightly.

As we enter the holiday season, while Wall Street celebrates, shoppers on Main Street are waiting for the party to begin. Wages are stagnant; 7.4 million Americans are unemployed; 4.4 million Americans who want full-time jobs are working part-time, and 7.6 million Americans are holding at least two jobs, trying to make ends meet.

Our challenge remains to ensure that the economic recovery lifts the lives of every American. We've got to get more Americans on to the ladder of opportunity -- by raising the minimum wage, preserving the earned income tax credit and equipping all Americans with the skills to succeed in the new economy.

Archived News Release — Caution: Information may be out of date.


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