
About the IGC
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  Industry Government Council (IGC) Application Form This document contains the Industry Government Council (IGC) Application Form. Word 29k  
Back to top About the Industry Government Council
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  Draft Option Year Renewal Letter This is a draft letter that describes option year renewal. Word 22k  
  Maximum Order Threshold Clause This document contains the Maximum Order Threshold Clause. Word 22k  
Back to top Past Council Minutes
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  Council Meeting Notes for 2006/05/15 Council Minutes of the quarterly meetings held by the Industry Government Council. Word 40k 5/15/2006
  Council Meeting Minutes for 2005/11/08 Word 49k 11/8/2005
  Council Meeting Minutes for 2005/07/27 Word 49k 7/27/2005
  Council Meeting Minutes for 2005/05/02 Word 54k 5/2/2005
  Council Meeting Minutes for 2005/02/17 Word 65k 2/17/2005
  Council Meeting Minutes for 2004/11/08 Word 26k
  Council Meeting Minutes for 2004/07/22 Word 47k
  Council Meeting Minutes for 2004/02/18 Word 33k
  Council Meeting Minutes for 2003/11/20 Word 34k
  Council Meeting Minutes for 2003/07/30 Word 34k
  Council Meeting Minutes for 2003/05/06 Word 40k
  Council Meeting Minutes for 2003/02/03 Word 28k
  Council Meeting Minutes for 2002/11/06 Word 28k
  Council Meeting Minutes for 2002/08/01 Word 35k
  Council Meeting Minutes for 2002/05/21 Word 28k
  Council Meeting Minutes for 2002/02/06 Word 29k
  Council Meeting Minutes for 2001/11/14 Word 22k
  Council Meeting Minutes for 2001/08/02 Word 26k
  Council Meeting Minutes for 2001/05/22 Word 24k
  Council Meeting Minutes for 2001/02/08 Word 20k
Back to top Presentations - History
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  2004 EXPO Presentation, Aeronautical Systems Center Presentations given by the Industry Government Council (IGC) at the 2004 EXPO. PowerPoint 16474k 1/9/2008
  2004 EXPO Presentation, Advisory and Assistance Services Lt. Col. Thomas W. Krusemark - Advisory and Assistance Services (A&AS)Program Office 2004 EXPO Presentation, Orlando PowerPoint 365k
  One GSA Committee Report Out Powerpoint presentation about the One GSA initiative PowerPoint 66k 11/8/2004
  Teaming Arrangements Committee Report Out Powerpoint presentation about Teaming Arrangements PowerPoint 221k 11/8/2004
  Teaming Arrangements Powerpoint presentation about teaming arrangements PowerPoint 221k 11/9/2004
  Training and Education Powerpoint presentation about Training and Education for the GSA MAS Program PowerPoint 37k 7/22/2004
  Using Schedules for International Contracting Powerpoint presentation about using schedules for international contracting PowerPoint 39k 7/22/2004
  One GSA Presentation (2004) Powerpoint Presentation of the One GSA initiative. PowerPoint 63k 7/22/2004
  Scope of Contract Issues Powerpoint presentation about the Scope of Contract issues. PowerPoint 183k 7/22/2004
  Commercial Enterprie Omnibus Support Services Powerpoint presentation about the Commercial Enterprise Omnibus Support Services PowerPoint 2823k 2/17/2005
  One GSA Presentation (2005) Latest powerpoint presentation of the One GSA initiative. PowerPoint 166k 2/17/2005
  DCAA Audit 4-9-2004 Copy of a Memorandum on Audit Guidance on Review of Orders under GSA Schedule Contracts, issued 4/9/2004 by the Defense Contract Audit Agency Word 49k 5/2/2005
  Performance Measures Powerpoint presentation about Performance Measures PowerPoint 1148k 2/19/2004
  IGC Mentor Protege Report Powerpoint presentation of the IGC Mentor-Protege Report PowerPoint 51k 8/1/2002
Back to top Presentations - Recent History
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  The FAS-PBS Inititives Presentation of the Integrated Marketing, Clustering of Services, and Process Integration initiatives of FAS and PBS, delivered by Linda Hauenstein. PowerPoint 804k 5/15/2007
  eTools Update for Vendors Presentation illustrating the latest developments and plans in GSA's eTools PowerPoint 3122k 5/11/2007
  IGC GSA-Expo Presentation Presentation providing the Industry's perspective on what is needed to respond to an RFQ PowerPoint 4577k 2/22/2006
  Marine Corps Systems Command - Sustaining DoD Business Presentation encompassing the dialog centering around how GSA could sustain DoD business. PowerPoint 207k 2/22/2006
  GSA Update GSA's update briefing to Industry PowerPoint 25k 11/7/2005
  Strategic Sourcing Presentation covering strategic sourcing for procurements PowerPoint 143k 11/9/2005
  Council for Governance Briefing delivered by CEOss for Council for Governance participants PowerPoint 415k 11/2/2005
  Industry Update Presentation giving an update of private industry in the fields the Government currently has schedules. PowerPoint 374k 7/25/2005
  Schedules Program Alternatives Presentation exploring the alternatives that exist for the Schedules Program PowerPoint 31k 7/25/2005
  Teaming Arrangements Report Out Presentation on the latest developments in teaming arrangements PowerPoint 150k 7/21/2005
  Trade Agreement Acts and Service Contracts Presentation on the Trade Agreements Act, Service Contracts, and how they relate to each other. PowerPoint 156k 7/25/2005
  2005 GSA EXPO Presentation Notes Notes to the 2005 GSA EXPO IGC presentation Jeff Koses gave concerning the new MAS report card. Word 135k 5/2/2005
  Industry Updates Notes on the updates to regulations and requirements that GSA and Industry must take into account for future procurements. Word 13k 5/2/2005
  Emerging Trends IGC Presentation concerning emerging trends in federal procurements PowerPoint 173k 5/2/2005
  Training Committee's report, May 2005 San Diego Presentation of the talking points of the IGC's Outreach and Training Committee. PowerPoint 38k 5/2/2005
  IT IGC Teaming Committee May 2 report Brief presentation given by the Subcontracting and Teaming Committee. PowerPoint 23k 5/2/2005
  IT IGC and S IGC etools May 2005 Detailed presentation concerning the latest in e-Tools capabilities. PowerPoint 589k 5/2/2005
  IGC FCX-10FT update, San Diego May 2005 Presentation giving the state of the services programs currently under Federal Supply Schedules. PowerPoint 415k 5/2/2005
Back to top White Papers
Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  Improving "Option/Refresh/Renewal" Processes at the End of GSA Schedule Contract Base Periods/Option Periods Word 34k 1/8/2008
  Recommendations for Implementing GSA's Mentor Protege Program A White Paper discussing recommendations concerning implementing GSA's mentor-protege program. Word 47k
  Mentor Protege Application Template (1) An application template for GSA's mentor-protege program Word 65k
  Mentor Protege Application Template (2) An application templete for GSA's mentor-protege program Word 85k
  Mentor Protege Cover Letter A cover letter for GSA's mentor-protege program Word 467k
  Comments to the IGC's Suggested GSA Mentor Protege Regulations Draft comments to the IGC's suggested GSA's mentor protege regulations. Word 27k
  Inclusion of Other Direct Costs White Paper on Inclusion of Other Direct Costs With GSA Service Schedule Orders. Word 43k  
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Last Reviewed 3/5/2009