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Safety and Pharmacokinetics of Jin Fu Kang in Comb w/Docetaxel for Patients w/Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Basic Trial Information
Trial Description
     Further Trial Information
     Eligibility Criteria
Trial Contact Information

Basic Trial Information

PhaseTypeStatusAgeSponsorProtocol IDs
Phase IITreatmentCompletedNo age specifiedOther03-010

Trial Description


Researchers from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center are conducting a research study on a Chinese herbal medicine known as "Jin Fu Kang". We want to see if this can help patients with advanced lung cancer. Jin Fu Kang might reduce the growth of cancer or improve quality of life. You are eligible for this trial because your cancer has progressed after prior chemotherapy and your doctor has recommended further chemotherapy treatment.

Lung cancer that has been confirmed and that has spread is called advanced cancer. There is no known permanent cure for advanced lung cancer, but chemotherapy may temporarily shrink the cancer and improve the quality of patients' lives.

Further Study Information

Jin Fu Kang is a herbal medicine specially developed in China for the treatment of lung cancer. It is based on a traditional medicine that is widely used and appears to be safe. Although clinical trials in China suggest that Jin Fu Kang may be of benefit, it has never been researched in patients with lung cancer in the United States. As such, its risks and benefits are not fully understood.

The scientific aims are to determine the toxicity of Jin Fu Kang/docetaxel combination treatment in patients with non-small cell lung cancer, to determine whether Jin Fu Kang alters the pharmacokinetics of docetaxel and to provide preliminary efficacy and survival data for Jin Fu Kang/docetaxel combination treatment in patients with non-small cell lung cancer.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Patients must meet all of the following inclusion criteria:
  • Pathologic confirmation of stage III or IV NSCLC.
  • Docetaxel therapy for cancer is clinically indicated.
  • KPS>=60%
  • ANC<1,000/mcl and Platelets<100/mcl

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Patients must meet none of the following exclusion criteria:
  • WBC< 4,000/µl, hemoglobin < 10 g/dl, platelet count < 100,000/µl, total bilirubin > ULN, AST >1.5 x ULN, alkaline phosphatase > 2.5 x ULN, creatinine > 1.5 mg/dl or creatinine clearance < 50 ml/min/1.7 m2), (ANC > 10,000/µl)
  • Prior docetaxel
  • Patient must have recovered from all previous treatment-related toxicity
  • Concurrent use of any botanicals for anticancer intent
  • Use of Jin Fu Kang or any of its constituent botanicals in the previous three weeks.
  • History of allergy to any of the constituent botanicals in Jin Fu Kang.
  • Pregnant or lactating women or women of childbearing potential not using effective contraception. A negative pregnancy test must be documented during the screening period for women of childbearing potential.
  • Concurrent active cancer.
  • Concurrent use of immunosuppressives: as an immunostimulant, astragalus-containing products are contraindicated for patients on immunosuppressive therapy.

Trial Contact Information

Trial Lead Organizations/Sponsors

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

Naiyer RizviPrincipal Investigator

Link to the current record.
NLM Identifer NCT00260026
Information obtained from on March 18, 2009

Note: Information about this trial is from the database. The versions designated for health professionals and patients contain the same text. Minor changes may be made to the record to standardize the names of study sponsors, sites, and contacts. only lists sites that are recruiting patients for active trials, whereas lists all sites for all trials. Questions and comments regarding the presented information should be directed to

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