Raymond Simon Confirmed as Deputy Secretary of Education
Archived Information

June 2, 2005
Contact: Susan Aspey, Samara Yudof
(202) 401-1576

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Biography of Simon

The United States Senate has confirmed Raymond Simon as U.S. Deputy Secretary of Education. Since December 2003, Simon has served as assistant secretary for elementary and secondary education, serving as a principal adviser to the secretary on all matters related to elementary and secondary education.

In his new role, Simon will focus on K-12 policy, including the No Child Left Behind Act, high school reform and special education, and will oversee the offices that coordinate these policies and programs.

"Ray's input and insight in his role as assistant secretary for elementary and secondary education has been invaluable in the ongoing implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act," said U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings. "I know that he will draw on that experience in his new capacity that will serve us, and the country, very well."

Prior to joining the Department, Simon was director of the Arkansas Department of Education. He also served as assistant superintendent for finance and superintendent of Conway Public Schools in Arkansas and began his career as a high school mathematics teacher in North Little Rock, Arkansas. Simon earned his bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Central Arkansas and an educational specialist degree from the University of Arkansas.



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Last Modified: 06/07/2005