Bush Education Official Helps Kick Off National Medicare Outreach Effort
Outreach seeks to educate low-income Medicare-eligible beneficiaries, including those served by the U.S. Department of Education.
Archived Information

June 16, 2005
Contact: Susan Aspey
(202) 401-1576
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Facts About New Medicare Coverage

Representatives from federal agencies across the government joined President George W. Bush today as he launched the Medicare outreach effort, a national campaign to highlight the benefits of the Medicare prescription drug benefit to seniors, as well as to Americans with developmental and physical disabilities, mental illness or HIV/AIDS. Assistant Secretary of Education Susan Sclafani represented the Department of Education at the event.

"Over the next 11 months, we will unite a wide range of Americans -- from doctors, to nurses, to pharmacists, to state and local leaders, to seniors groups, to disability advocates, to faith-based organizations," said President Bush. "Together, we will work to ensure that every American on Medicare is ready to make a confident choice about prescription drug coverage, so they can finally receive the modern health care they deserve."

On Dec. 8, 2003, the president signed the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act (MMA), which will offer all Medicare beneficiaries access to subsidized drug coverage beginning Jan. 1, 2006. Medicare beneficiaries with incomes below 150 percent of poverty and limited assets are eligible for an additional subsidy.

The U.S. Department of Education is participating in the national effort to highlight the availability of the Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit for low-income Medicare beneficiaries.

"Americans of all ages are engaged in adult education, learning new skills so they can take advantage of new opportunities," said Secretary Spellings. "One of those opportunities is healthy living through modern medicine. By informing seniors and individuals with disabilities of the benefits available under the president's Medicare Modernization Act, we will help them achieve a more hopeful future for themselves and their families."

Beginning today, the Department's Office of Vocational and Adult Education will lead the agency's efforts to reach Americans who are involved with education programs and who may be eligible for the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Benefit through public, electronic and Web-based outreach. For example, Acting Rehabilitation Services Commissioner Edward Anthony will discuss the benefit during remarks tomorrow at the National Rehabilitation Transition Conference, and the Office of Vocational and Adult Education's Division of Adult Education and Literacy will present information on Medicare benefits during the upcoming Adult Education and Coordination and Planning Project Training Workshop. The Office of Innovation and Improvement will alert all of the nation's Parent Information Resource Centers so that they can provide parents access to this important information at their centers.



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