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Veterans' Program Letter No. 2-98

October 10, 1997

Veterans' Program Letter No. 2-98

To: All Regional Administrators and Directors for Veterans Employment and Training All State Emoployment Security Agency Administrators (SESAS) All Regional Administrators, Employment and Training Administration (INFO)

From: Espiridion "AL" Borrego Acting Assistant Secretary

Subject: Funding FY 1998 Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program (DVOP) and Local Veterans' Employment Representative (LVER) Programs under a Continuing Resolution

I. Purpose: To provide guidance to States and inform them of the dollar amounts available for their use under a continuing resolution through October, 1997.

II. References: Fiscal Year (FY) 1998-2000+. DVOP/LVER Solicitation for Grant Applications (SGA); House Joint Resolution (HJ. RES) 94, adopted September 29 1997

III. Background: The Congress passed a joint resolution on Monday, September 29, 1997, to continue finding the Federal Government through October 23; 1997. The Departments of Labor, Education, and Health and Human Services' appropriations bill was not among the three that have passed both houses of Congress to date. Therefore, all Fiscal Year-based Department of Labor programs will be subject to finding under the continuing resolution from October 1 through October, 1997, unless the appropriations bill is passed and signed by the President prior thereto. The Grant Officer has advised that the FY 1998 DVOP/LVER Notices of Grant Awards cannot be executed on October 1 or until such time as the amounts available for distribution to the States are known.

IV. Guidance: Under the continuing resolution, States will be provided proportionate amounts based upon the FY 1997 appropriation, sufficient to carry them through October 23, 1997. The process for distributing funds to the States will commence as soon after October 1, as possible.

Once an advice of allotment is received from the Office of Management and Budget, the Acting Assistant Secretary will sign and transmit an agency allocation to each Regional Administrator for Veterans' Employment and Training (RAVET). RAVET’s will provide an allocation in accordance with the amounts identified for each State on the agency allocation. Allocations will be transmitted to States by the RAVET through a Notification of Obligational Authority (NOA) for the period covered by the continuing resolution.

It is likely that States will not receive obligation authority before mid-October. If an appropriation bill is signed during the period covered by this continuing resolution, the Notice of Grant Award will be signed and an agency allocation will be issued for the remainder of the first quarter of FY 1998. RAVETs will issue a second Notice of Obligational Authority to increase the amount of fluids available to States in FY 1998 through the end of the FY quarter, December 31, 1997.

NOTE: Although States may carry over and use unexpended FY 1997 fluids for the salaries and support of DVOP and LVER staff through the continuing resolution period and after (through December 31, 1997), DVOP/LVER finds must be tracked separately by Fiscal Year. FY 1997 carry-over hinds used during FY 1998 are still tracked and reported as FY 1997 expenditures. Funds provided under this continuing resolution are to be reported with FY 1998 fluids; not with FY 1997 grant fluids or FY 1997 carry-over funds.

Following the availability of an appropriation, States will receive a signed Notice of Grant Award for the amounts they have available to them. States will then have 30 days from the date of their Notice of Grant Award to submit a State Fiscal Operating Plan for FY 1998 which indicates how many DVOP and LVER staff the available amounts may support each quarter States must be mindful to conform to the cost per position and personal services and personnel benefits to total (PS+PB to total) ratio on their approved State Allocation Request (SAR). DVETs will meet with the State agency during the period following notification of grant award to conduct a joint Post-Award conference at the outset of the new multi-year grant period.

V. Actions Required:

A. Upon notification by VETS, RAVETs will issue States Notices of Obligational Authority (NOA) for the period covered by the continuing resolution (H.J. RES 94)-- October 1, 1997, through October, 1997, in accordance with and upon receipt of the agency allocations signed by the ASVET.

B. DVETs will ensure, through communication with their State agency counterparts, that the contents of this VPL were received and understood.

VI. Inquiries

Questions should be directed to the DVET. DVETs will direct inquiries through the RAVET to the National Office, Attention: Cassandra Willis or through the Chicago Regional Lead Center, Attention: Joel Delofsky


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