Secretary Paige Celebrates National Veterans Awareness Week
Florida event focused on the meaning of service and citizenship as part of President Bush's Lessons of Liberty initiative
Archived Information

November 13, 2001
Contact:: Dan Langan
(202) 401-3026

MIAMI, Nov. 13 —U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige today joined retired Capt. Greg Shapley, a distinguished Coast Guard veteran, to talk to students at the Maritime and Science Technology (MAST) Academy about Veterans Day and the contributions made by our nation's veterans.

The event was part of President George W. Bush's Lessons of Liberty initiative, which he launched on Oct. 30 with Paige and Secretary of Veterans Affairs Anthony Principi.

The purpose of Lessons of Liberty is to encourage public and private elementary and secondary schools around the country to invite veterans into their classrooms in the days leading up to and following Veterans Day. The veterans share their experiences with students and teach them important lessons about the history and significance of Veterans Day. They also help students reflect upon the importance of the ideals of liberty, democracy and freedom that America's veterans have defended for over two centuries.

"Veterans like Capt. Shapley have served to protect our nation and to preserve our liberty and freedom—and the liberty and freedom of people throughout the world," Paige said. "Today, and throughout this week, we must thank them for their immense contributions and learn more about how their work has made America a beacon of liberty and independence for the entire world."

Paige and Shapley talked to approximately 100 students enrolled in the MAST Academy, a marine-themed magnet school serving students in grades 9-12 and the nation's only Coast Guard Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps.

Shapley retired from the uniformed Coast Guard in 1999. Since that time he has served as the civilian director of the Coast Guard's Bridge Program for the Southeastern United States and the Caribbean. Shapley also served as a special agent in the U.S. Secret Service. He earned 37 military decorations, including the Navy and Marine Corps Medal for Heroism, the Purple Heart, three United States Meritorious Service Medals, and five Coast Guard Commendation Medals.

Later in the day, Paige was a featured speaker at the University of Miami's 75th Anniversary Celebration Lecture Series. In his speech to approximately 500 education department students, faculty, trustees and friends of the university, Paige talked about the state of education in America and the principles of President Bush's No Child Left Behind education reform plan.

Schools can find information on how to participate in the Lessons of Liberty initiative through the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Education. Schools, educators, parents and students are encouraged to visit the Department of Veterans Affairs Web site at to find classroom materials and curricula, ideas for activities, and resources for getting in touch with a veteran in their community.

Schools can find information on how to participate in the Lessons of Liberty initiative through the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Education. Schools, educators, parents and students are encouraged to visit the Department of Veterans Affairs Web site at to find classroom materials and curricula, ideas for activities, and resources for getting in touch with a veteran in their community.



Last Modified: 10/02/2003