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M e m o r a n d u m

SGM 86-4

Date:: NOV 6, 1985

From: Acting Director, IHS

Subject: Policy Memo - Patient Care Data Reporting Requirements for Tribal Contractors

To: Area/Program Directors


The Indian Health Service (II-IS) is not receiving uniform workload and cost reporting on health services provided by Tribal contractors.  The situation creates gaps in the IHS Patient Care Data bases which affect various activities including patient management, budget formulation, program planning and evaluation, resource requirements and allocation, and epidemiological studies.

An IHS workgroup is currently reviewing all the IHS patient care reporting systems with the purpose of establishing minimum reporting requirements for Tribal contractors. That effort is not expected to be completed until the latter part of FY 1986.

Pending completion of the workgroup s effort, it is necessary that IHS at least have uniform reporting for inpatient services, ambulatory medical services, and contract health services. Accordingly, for all new and renewal Tribal contracts (P.L. 93-638 and Buy Indian) pertaining to inpatient services, ambulatory medical services, contract health services, the contractor shall be required to comply with the applicable IHS reporting systems:


Inpatient - Clinical Record Brief IHS Inpatient Services (HRSA Form 44-l)

Ambulatory Medical - Ambulatory Patient Care Report (HRSA Form 406)


Contract Health Services -Contract Health Service Purchase/Delivery Order for Hospital Services Rendered (HRSA Form 43) and Purchase/Delivery Order for Contract Health Service Other than Hospital Inpatient or Dental (HRSA Form 64)

The contractor shall have the option of either submitting the hardcopy IHS reporting forms or the formatted computer records required for the applicable IHS reporting systems. The IHS Manual, Part 4, Chapter 3,Sections 1 through 3, describes these IHS reporting systems.

As stated above, these reporting requirements are effective immediately for all new and renewal Tribal contracts (P.L. 93-638 and Buy Indian) with a start date on or after March 1,1986 pertaining to inpatient services, ambulatory medical services and contract health services, and shall be listed in Clause 2- Program Reporting Requirements, Section F of the Sqle Contract (Indian Self-Determination Memorandum 85-l).  Tribal contracts should already include a requirement for participation in the IHS Patient Registration System, based upon past direction.  These reporting requirements should be in lieu of and not in addition to existing reporting requirements for inpatient services, ambulatory medical services and contract health services.

Questions pertaining to this matter should be directed to Dr. Craig Vanderwagon (443-4644) or Mr. Tony D’Angelo (443-1180).

Signature of G.H. Ivey