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Transmittal Notice Header Graphic
Year and Document Number SUBJECT DATE
99-9 Part 6, Chapter 1, first issuance, Services to Tribal Governments and Tribal Organizations, Internal Agency Procedures. Superseded: N/A. 11/24/1999
99-8 Delegation of Authority for training - to approve and acquire. Superseded: Personnel Delegation #36dated 11/2/95.  Currently: Personnel Delegation #36. 10/19/1999
99-7 Delegation of Authority to sign Indian Health Service education loan repayment program contracts. Superseded: Program Delegation #14  Exhibit 1-5.1E dated 9/14/88. Currently: Program Delegation #14. 09/29/1999
99-6 Delegation of Authority for the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, P.L., 93-638, as amended. Superseded: Program Delegation #5 Exhibit 1-5.1C dated 9/25/88.  Currently:  Program Delegation #15 - 18. 09/29/1999
99-5 Delegation of Authority to approve recruitment and relocation bonuses and retention allowances. Superseded: Personnel Delegation #41 dated 7/25/96.  Currently:  Personnel Delegation #41. 07/20/1999
99-4 Delegation of Authority Intergovernment Personnel Act (IPA) Agreements. Superseded: Personnel Delegation dated 4/7/95; and 4/12/95.  Currently: Personnel Delegation #15, 05/20/1999
99-3 Part 7, Chapter 4, first issuance (Human Resource and Organization Development). Superseded:  N/A 04/19/1999
99-2 Delegation of Authority for requests for waivers of claims out of erroneous overpayment. Superseded: Previous Delegations pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 5584 including personnel delegation #55. Currently: Administrative Delegation #43. 03/29/1999
99-1 Delegation of Authority for Indian Self-Determination Education and Assistance Act; Program Delegation #5.  Superseded: N/A.  Currently: Program Delegation #15-18 01/13/1999
98-9 Delegation of Authority for the purchase of high speed copiers.  Superseded: All Previous Delegations related to the purchase of photocopiers.  Currently: Administrative Delegation #42. 01/06/1999
98-8 Delegation of Authority for printing forms.  Superseded: Transmittal Notice 89-3.  Currently: Administrative Delegation #41. 11/18/1998
98-7 Delegation of Authority for identification cards. Superseded: Commissioned Corps Delegation#4; Exhibit 1-5.4A-1 dated 6/26/89.  Currently: Commissioned Corps Delegation #4. 11/03/1998
98-6 Part 5, Chapter 8, Travel first issuance.  Superseded: Circulars: 92-15; 91-09; 91-06; 84-02; 79-08; 73-01; and 62-19. SGMs 91-01; 90-01; and 89-02. 10/08/1998
98-5 Delegation of Authority for Deputy Director of Headquarters Operations, Headquarters West.  Superseded: N/A. Currently: Administrative Delegation #40. unavailable
98-4 Delegation of Authority for Equal Employment Opportunity Program.  Superseded: Transmittal Notice 97-5.  Currently: Personnel Delegation #12 07/24/1998
98-3 Delegation of Authority for Premium Pay.  Superseded:  Personnel  Delegation #21 dated 5/21/94; and 5/31/94.  Currently: Personnel Delegation #21. 01/27/1998
98-2 Part 2, Chapter 3 Contract Health Services. Superseded: Transmittal Notice 95-12, and Transmittal Notice 97-1. 05/21/1998
98-1 Part 7, Chapter 6, Flexible Workplace Arrangements Program. Superseded:  Indian Health Manual Table of Contents pages 1-3. 05/15/1998
97-8 Delegation of authority physician special pay. Superseded: Personnel Delegation #46 dated 10/4/95. Currently: Personnel Delegation #46. 11/19/1997
97-7 Part 1, Chapter 1 (Indian Health Service Manual System) revised in its entirety. Superseded: Transmittal Notice 91.4. 10/30/1997
97-6 Delegation of authority Ethics Program Authority. Superseded: personnel Delegation #20 Exhibit 1-5.2F-3 dated 7/21/85. Currently Personnel Delegation #20. 08/20/1997
97-5 Delegation of authority for Equal Employment Opportunity Program. Superseded: personnel Delegation #12 dated 2/26/93; and Transmittal Notice 96-14. Currently: Personnel Delegation #12. 07/11/1997
97-4 Part 5, Chapter 15 (Records Management) revised in its entirety. Superseded: Transmittal Notice 93-17. 07/08/1997
97-3 Part 1, Chapter 4 (Organization of the Service) incorporates Manual Appendix A and B. Superseded: N/A 07/02/1997
97-2 Part 7, Chapter 5 (Administrative Grievance System) first issuance. superseded: N/A. 06/06/1997
97-1 Part 2, Chapter 3 (Contract Health Services) revised pages 33-36 and the Table of Contents. Superseded: Transmittal Notice 93-17. 06/12/1997
96-15 Delegation of authority Title 38 premium pay. Superseded: N/A. Currently: Personnel Delegation #50. 11/25/1996
96-14 Part 1, Chapter 5 (Delegations of Authority) issues Delegation instructions and indexes. Superseded: Part 1, Chapter 5 Table of Contents; pages i; dated 10/24/96. 11/22/1996
96-13 Part 5, Chapter 15 (Records Management) incorporates management control systems. Superseded: Transmittal Notice 93-17. 11/04/1996
96-12 Delegation of authority for grade/pay retention in non mandatory circumstances. Superseded: N/A. Currently: Personnel Delegation #54. 10/22/1996
96-11 Part 3, Chapter 5 (Nutrition) first issuance - changed the title from Nutrition and Dietetics. Superseded: Transmittal Notice 87-10. 10/11/1996
96-10 Delegation of authority for real property. Superseded: N/A. Currently: Administrative Delegation #38. 08/08/1996
96-9 Delegation of authority for training - to approve and acquire. Superseded: N/A. Currently Personnel Delegation #36. 08/12/1996
96-8 Delegation of authority for recruitment/relocation bonuses and retention allowances. Superseded: N/A. Currently: Personnel Delegation $41. 07/28/1996
96-7 Part 5, Chapter 5 (Acquisitions Management) revised section 7AB; Exhibit 73-6. Superseded: Indian Health Service Circular 95-13. 06/13/1996
96-6 Delegation of authority Indian Self-Determination Education and Assistance Act, P.L. 93-638, As amended. Superseded: Exhibit 1-5.1J dated 1/23/88.  Currently: Program Delegation #15 - 18. 03/14/1996
96-5 Delegation of authority Commissioned Corp - Travel - TDY actual expenses. Superseded: N/A. Currently: Commissioned Corps Delegation #8. 03/05/1996
96-4 Delegation of authority for recruitment/relocation bonuses and retention allowances. Superseded: Personnel Delegation #41 dated 2/14/95. Currently: Personnel Delegation $41. 03/01/1996
96-3 Delegation of authority Physicians special pay. Superseded: N/A Currently: Personnel Delegation #46. 03/01/1996
96-2 Delegation of authority Executive Resource Management. Superseded: N/A. Currently: Personnel Delegation #52. 02/29/1996
96-1 Delegation of authority to Reduction in force; furlough; and changes in competitive areas. Superseded: Personnel Delegation #44 dated 3/30/94. Currently: Personnel Delegation #44. 02/14/1996
95-20 Delegation of authority real property easements. Superseded: N/A. Currently: Administrative Delegation #37. 12/14/1995
95-19 Delegation of authority Automatic Data Processing Equipment (ADP) Processing.  Superseded: Administrative Delegation #2 dated 7/19/94.  Currently: Administrative Delegation #2. 12/18/1995
95-18 Part 5, Chapter 16 (Management Control Systems) revised in its entirety. Superseded: Transmittal Notice 93-5. 12/29/1995
95-17 Part 3, Chapter 22 (Anesthesia Program) first issuance. Superseded: Indian Health Circular 61-13. 12/29/1995
95-16 Delegation of authority to approve and acquire training. Superseded: Personnel Delegation #36 dated 9/21/89; 10/18/92; and 10/28/95. Currently: Personnel Delegation #36. 11/02/1995
95-15 Delegation of authority for Federal Claims Collection Act. Superseded: Administrative Delegation #4 dated 11/8/90.  Currently: Administrative Delegation #4. 11/03/1995
95-14 Part 5, Chapter 19 (Grants and Cooperative Agreements) fist issuance. Superseded: N/A. 10/01/1995
95-13 Delegation of authority for physician special pay. Superseded: Personnel Delegation #46 dated3/20/95. Currently: Personnel Delegation #46. 10/04/1995
95-12 Part 2, Chapter 3 (Contract Health Services) revised in its entirety. Superseded: transmittal Notice 93.1. 09/28/1995
95-11 Delegation of authority for performance appraisal under the Performance Management System (PMS). Superseded: Personnel Delegation's #25; 6; and 24. Currently: Personnel Delegation #47. 07/18/1995
95-10 Delegation of authority to establish workweeks and work schedules. Superseded: Exhibit 1-5.2F-2. Currently: Personnel Delegation #48. 07/25/1995
95-9 Delegation of authority for the flexible workplace arrangements Program. Superseded: Personnel Delegation #22 dated 6/24/88. Currently: Personnel Delegation #49. 07/17/1995
95-8 Delegation of authority to approve payment of travel/transportation benefits incident to a permanent change of station and to waive the employment agreement. Superseded: N/A.  Currently: Administrative Delegation #33 07/17/1995
95-7 Delegation of authority to waive mandatory electronic funds. Superseded: N/A. Currently: Personnel Delegation #51. 07/03/1995
95-6 Part 3, Chapter 7 (Pharmacy) revised section 3D(2a). Superseded: N/A. 06/26/1995
95-5 Delegation of authority for performance awards under the Employee Performance Management System (EPMS). Superseded: N/A.  Currently: Personnel Delegation #5. 05/02/1995
95-4 Delegation of authority to approve and sign agency agreements. Superseded: Directors memo dated 8/12/88.  Currently: Administrative Delegation #36. 05/02/1995
95-3 Part 5, Chapter 5 (Acquisition Management) revised section 7AC; 13; and Exhibit K. Superseded: Transmittal Notice: 94.15. 03/27/1995
95-2 Delegation of authority for sanitation facilities construction. Superseded: Transmittal Notice 89.3.  Currently: Program Delegation #18. 03/03/1995
95-1 Delegation of authority for recruitment/relocation bonuses and retention allowances. Superseded: N/A. Currently: Personnel Delegation #41. 02/14/1995
94.23 Delegation of authority for appointment above minimum rate. Superseded: Blanket Delegation dated 8/23/90 and memos dated: 3/3/92; and 1/18/91. Currently: Personnel Delegation #3. 11/25/1994
94.22 Delegation of authority for Physicians comparability allowance. Superseded:  Exhibit 1-5.2A-1.  Currently: Personnel Delegation #26. 11/21/1994
94.21 Delegation of authority to detail personnel.  Superseded: N/A. Currently: Personnel Delegation #10. 11/04/1994
94.20 Delegation of authority to approve recruitment/relocation bonuses and retention allowances. Superseded: N/A. Currently: Personnel Delegation #41. 10/28/1994
94.19 Delegation of authority Administration of Medicare Payment Special Fund and the Medicaid Payment Special Fund established by the Indian Health Care Improvement Act. Superseded: Part 1, Chapter 5 dated 12/27/93. Currently: Program Delegation #12. 10/27/1994
94.18 Delegation of leasing authorities. Superseded: N/A. Currently: Administrative Delegation #34. 10/21/1994
94.17 Part 2, Chapter 6 (Patient Registration) first issuance. Superseded: N/A. 10/06/1994
94.16 Delegation of authority to detail - 120 days or less.  Superseded: Transmittal Notice 94.10. Currently: Personnel Delegation #10. 09/29/1994
94.15 Part 5, Chapter 5 (Acquisition Management) first issuance. Superseded: See Exhibit 5-5.2A for superseded material. 10/06/1994
94.14 Part 3, Chapter 19 (Urban Indian Health Program) first issuance. Superseded: N/A. 09/14/1994
94.13 Part 1, Chapter 9 (Occupational Health and Safety) revised in its entirety. Superseded: Transmittal Notices: 94.12; 86.7;  and Circular 92-7. 09/09/1994
94.12 Part 1, Chapter 8 (Managing the Workers Compensation Program) first issuance. Superseded: N/A. 09/09/1994
94.11 Delegation of authority for Automatic Data Processing (ADP) Equipment. Superseded: Exhibits: 1-5.2H2; 1-5.2H2(A); and 1-5.2H2(B). Currently: Administrative Delegation #2. 08/03/1994
94.10 Delegation of authority to detail - 120 days or less. Superseded: Personnel Delegation #10 dated 9/21/89 and 1/2/91. Currently: Personnel Delegation #10. 08/03/1994
94.9 Delegation of authority for part-time employment. Superseded: N/A. Currently: Cancelled, combined with Personnel Delegation #49. 08/03/1994
94.8 Delegation of authority for the Indian Health Care Improvement Act. Superseded: Program Delegation #4 dated 5/5/84; Exhibit 1-51.F. Currently: Program Delegation #4. 07/25/1994
94.7 Delegation of authority for term appointees. Superseded: Personnel Delegation #34 dated 9/21/89 and 1/1/91. Currently: Personnel Delegation #34. 07/25/1994
94.6 Delegation of authority to approve overtime. Superseded: N/A. Currently: Personnel Delegation #21. 07/25/1994
94.5 Delegation of authority for energy efficient computers. Superseded: N/A. Currently: Administrative Delegation #35. 07/21/1994
94.4 Part 3, Chapter 4 (Nursing) establishes nursing. Superseded: Transmittal Notice 85.4. 07/15/1994
94.3 Delegation of authority to conduct reductions in force. Superseded: N/A. Currently: Personnel Delegation #44. 07/11/1994
94.2 Part 3, Chapter 21 (Medical Imaging) first issuance. Superseded: Circular 91-2. 06/30/1994
94.1 Delegation of authority to approve and disapprove Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Agreements. Personnel Delegation #15 dated 4/1/91. Currently: Personnel Delegation #15. 06/14/1994
93.17 Part 5, Chapter 15 (Records Management) revised in its entirety. Superseded: Transmittal Notice 93.2; Circular 86-2; and SGM 93-3. 12/23/1993
93.16 Delegation of authority to approve reorganization proposals. Superseded: Administrative Delegation #23 dated 12/20/91. Currently: Administrative Delegation#23. 07/19/1993
93.15 Part 1, Chapter 5 (Delegations of Authority) cancellation of Personnel Delegation #19 (Oath of Office). Superseded: Personnel Delegation #19, dated 1/2/91. Currently: Personnel Delegation #19. 06/23/1993
93.14 Part 3, Chapter 14 (Mental Health Programs) revised in its entirety. Superseded: Transmittal Notice 87.1. 07/19/1993
93.13 Part 3, Chapter 8 (Social Work Service) revised in its entirety. Superseded: Transmittal Notice 82.6. 07/19/1993
93.12 Delegation for recruitment/relocation bonuses and retention allowances. Superseded: N/A. Currently: Personnel Delegation #41. 05/26/1993
93.11 Part 3, Chapter 7 (Pharmacy) revised in its entirety. Superseded: Transmittal Notice 82.2. 04/26/1993
93.10 Delegation canceling the authority to enter into contracts with Fiscal  Agents (Administrative Delegation #7). Superseded: Transmittal Notice 92.16. 04/26/1993
93.9 XXX - No Transmittal Notice for 93.9 -XXX XXX
93.8 Delegation for Employees Associations. Superseded: Transmittal Notice 85.2, Exhibit 1-5.2E-17. Currently: Personnel Delegation #11. 04/09/1993
93.7 Part 3, Chapter 3 (Medical Records) revised in its entirety. Superseded: Transmittal Notice 72.4. 03/15/1993
93.6 Delegation for acquisition authorities. Superseded: Transmittal Notice 85.5.  Currently: Administrative Delegation #1. 04/01/1993
93.5 Part 5, Chapter 16 (Management Control Systems) first issuance. Superseded: N/A. 02/26/1993
93.4 Delegation to set rates of pay not covered by general schedule. Superseded: Delegation dated 1/2/91. Currently: Personnel Delegation #23. 02/22/1993
93.3 Delegation for performance appraisal provisions under the Employee Performance Management System (Personnel Delegation #24). Superseded: Transmittal Notice 92.11. Currently: Cancelled. 02/22/1993
93.2 Part 5, Chapter 5 (Acquisition Management) first issuance. Superseded: Indian Health Service Circular 89.4. 02/08/1993
93.1 Part 2, Chapter 3 (Contract Health Services) revised in its entirety. Superseded: Transmittal Notices: 82.1; and 83.3. 01/05/1993
92.16 Delegation to enter into contracts with fiscal agents. Superseded: Transmittal Notice 89.3. Currently: Administrative Delegation #7. 11/24/1992
92.15 Delegation to acquire training Personnel Delegation #35. Superseded: N/A.  Currently Personnel Delegation #36. 11/18/1992
92.14 Part 5, Chapter 12 (Personal Property) incorporates pages 121-125; personal property management. Superseded: N/A. 11/05/1992
92.13 Delegation for incentive awards. Superseded: Transmittal Notice 89.1. Currently: Personnel Delegation #4. 11/05/1992
92.12 Delegation to set rates of pay not covered by general schedule. Superseded: Delegation from the Director, Headquarters Operations to all Area Directors dated 1/2/91. Currently: Personnel Delegation #23. 09/23/1992
92.11 Delegation for performance provisions under the Employee Performance Management System. Superseded: N/A. Currently: Cancelled. 09/03/1992
92.10 Delegation to sign applications to purchase tax-free and specialty denatured alcohol and to appoint accredited officials to order controlled drugs. Superseded: Transmittal Notice 85.5. Currently: Administrative Delegation#3. 09/03/1992
92.9 Delegation to grant leave, excuse absence, approve overtime, & approve restoration of leave. Superseded: Transmittal Notice 87.11. Currently: Personnel Delegation #17. 07/31/1992
92.8 Delegation for planning and appraising the performance of employees covered by the Performance Management and Recognition System. Superseded: N/A. Currently: Cancelled. 07/20/1992
92.7 Part 5, Chapter 10 (Housekeeping and Lines Service) first issuance. Superseded: N/A. 06/22/1992
92.6 Part 5, Chapter 12 (Personal Property) first issuance. Superseded: N/A. 04/29/1992
92.5 Delegation for performance awards under the Performance Management and Recognition System. Superseded: N/A. Currently:  Cancelled. 04/21/1992
92.4 Part 1, Chapter 5 (Delegation of Authority) delegation to approve temporary use of Health and Human Services facilities for non-official purposes. Superseded: Transmittal Notice 89.3; and Exhibit 1-5.2A-9. Currently: Administrative Delegation #30. 04/09/1992
92.3 Delegation to determine quality step increases (Currently Personnel delegation #37); also delegated on this Transmittal Notice is delegation to approve, appointments above minimum rate (currently Personnel delegation #3). Superseded: Transmittal Notice 85.2; Exhibit 1-5.2F-6; and 1-5.2F-13. 03/24/1992
92.2 Part 3, Chapter 13 (Maternal and Child Health) incorporates manual appendix A. Superseded: N/A 03/20/1992
92.1 Part 3, Chapter 2 (Dental) revised in its entirety. Superseded: Transmittal Notice 76.7. 02/25/1992
91.4 Part 1, Chapter 1 (Indian Health Service Manual System) revised in its entirety. Superseded: Transmittal Notice: 86.6. 10/10/1991
91.3 Part 3, Chapter 18 (Alcoholism/Substance Abuse Program) revised in its entirety. Superseded: Transmittal Notices: 81.4; and 80.4. 05/22/1991
91.02 Duplicate Transmittal Notice. Part 1, Chapter 5 (Delegation of Authority) delegation to Area Directors; and Personnel. Superseded: Transmittal Notices: 85.2; and 86.10. 09/20/1991
91.2 Part 3, Chapter 16 (Community Health Representative Program) revised in its entirety. Superseded: Transmittal Notice 88.1. 04/24/1991
91.1 Part 1, Chapter 12 (Indian Health Service Employee Immunization Program) first issuance. Superseded: N/A. 04/17/1991
90.1 Part 3, Chapter 13 (Maternal and Child Health) revised in its entirety. Superseded: Transmittal Notices: 85.6; 79.3; and 78.1. memo dated 2/13/80; IHS Circulars: 82.2; and 82.1. Chapter 14 and 16 in their entirety. 04/23/1990

 Table of Contents
Last update: October 2, 2005
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Indian Health Service (HQ) - The Reyes Building, 801 Thompson Avenue, Ste. 400 - Rockville, MD 20852