CEO Comments – From where I sit...

From where I sit, we salute the departure of the 2008 economy, but, unfortunately, 2009 promises more of the same. The Air Force Aid Society invests our cash reserves under the stringent oversight of our Board of Trustees and uses a very conservative investment strategy. This approach meant that we avoided the schemes and names that have been so prominent in the news and associated with large investment losses (including some charities that have had to close their doors). However, in this crisis, no one escapes unscathed. We have suffered losses like everyone else and are now adjusting strategies and expectations to meet a new fiscal reality. What concerns us most is we know our clients have suffered, to a greater or lesser degree, just as we have. The headlines carry the personal stories of Americans struggling to deal with devastating losses to their savings, income, or even their jobs. Here is how we intend to meet the future.

As I shared with our Air Force Major Commanders and leadership at all levels, we have had to tighten our belt and extend our fiscal growth timelines. First and most importantly, we have protected our most vital programs. You should see no change in our support to Emergency Assistance to include the Falcon Loan Program. However, most of our other programs will be held to the amount actually spent in 2008 and effectively experience zero growth. The single largest adjustment will be in the number of Education Grants awarded. Many of you will remember that over the last three years we grew our Grant program from $1500/Grant to $2000/Grant and increased the number awarded to 3500 Grants in 2007/8. In 2009, the individual Grant dollar amount will remain at $2000, but the number of Grants awarded will be reduced to 3000.

Our administrative costs have undergone similar belt tightening. We have instituted a hiring freeze as well as frozen "merit’ pay increases (we actually have not had a merit increase since 2007 and our folks have been promised more of the same through 2010). At the same time, we have acknowledged the necessity to upgrade our ability to raise funds and here is where many of you can help.

Our largest fundraiser has always been the Air Force Assistance Fund Drive (remember we are not part of the Combined Federal Campaign - - CFC). The Assistance Fund Drive benefits not just the Society, but the other three AF Charities as well (AF Village, The Enlisted Widows Home and the Lemay Foundation). The drive runs February through June, is administered by the AF Personnel Center and has a history of meeting its monetary goal. However, the goal is usually met with something less than 30% overall participation. My challenge to our Commanders is to help us improve to 50% participation. For an organization whose motto is "Airmen helping Airmen", 50% doesn’t seem too much to ask. The campaign will kick off this month so we are looking forward to great results.

From where I sit, I am in awe of the great support all of you provide AF Aid and through us our Airmen. America is a great country and has a habit of coming together to solve tough problems. At AF aid we anticipate the question "...where were you during the great economic crisis of 2008 through 2????" Our answer remains the same as it has been since 1942, "Right where we’ve always been - - standing strong and ready to help Airmen"!

John D. Hopper, Jr.
Lieutenant General, USAF (Ret)
Chief Executive Officer
Air Force Aid Society

Falcon Loan
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