U.S. Census Bureau
Link to Census 2000 Gateway TV & Video

To support and promote Census 2000 - the nation's largest peacetime effort in the history of the U.S., we are offering a variety of videos, free of charge. The videos tell the story of Census 2000 and why an accurate count is vitally important to America's future. You can use these videos in presentations, workshops, or to educate people about Census 2000.

TO ORDER A VIDEO, please include the title of the video, the project number (it appears in bold after the program description, #99-072), your name, mailing address, and phone number. (Note: We Can Not Ship To a P.O. Box.) Also, include the format you want: VHS or Betacam. Then forward your request to us at broadcast@census.gov.

The titles listed below were live Internet feeds only on the dates listed. To view an archived copy, click on the title.

Census 2000 B-Roll: April 1, 2000
picture of a census enumerator giving a questionnaire to a respondent Produced for news stations and media organizations, this reel contains important Census 2000 dates and statistics and features key Census 2000 activities: "Census in Schools," census takers at work, people filling out Census forms, form processing, the Census 2000 Road Tour, plus Census 2000 graphics. (15:00) #00-564

Complete Count Committees
picture of office workers discussing the census questionnaire This video focuses on Complete Count Committees and the important role they play in involving community members in Census 2000 activities. (3:22) #99-120
Also available in Spanish. #00-474

How America Knows What America Needs
picture of school children working at a desk This video gives an overview of how census data are used to fund programs and services in communities across the country. (2:10) #99-392
Also available in Spanish. #99-539

Five Big Reasons
picture of a census questionnaire This music video highlights five reasons Americans should fill out and mail back their census form. (1:30) #99-291
Also available in Spanish. #00-540

Privacy and Census 2000
picture of workers a table This video explains all of the steps the Census Bureau takes to ensure that the information that is collected is totally confidential. (4:47) #00-778
Also available in Spanish. #00-901

We Measure America
picture of a mother with her child This award-winning music video shows visually how Census information is used to plan for services and projects in communities across the country. (1:33) #00-055
Also available in Spanish. #00-056

Numbers We Can Count On: The Story of the Census
picture of a census enumerator and a respondent This video gives a historical overview of the Census to the present day and explains how important the Census is to all Americans. (9:40) #99-168

Broadcast Zone

Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Public Information Office
(301) 763-3030

Last Revised: May 15, 2002 at 12:12:31 PM