Whether It Is Better To Enroll Healthy Or Affected Children In No-Benefit Research


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Air date: Wednesday, April 04, 2001, 12:00:00 PM
Category: Bioethics
Description: The Department of Clinical Bioethics invites you to attend Ethics Grand Rounds to hear Norman Fost, MD, MPH, speak on "Whether It Is Better To Enroll Healthy Or Affected Children In No-Benefit Research." Dr. Fost received his AB from Princeton, his MD from Yale and his MPH from Harvard. He comes to NIH from the University of Wisconsin where he is Professor of Pediatrics, Director of the Program in Medical Ethics, head of the Child Protection Team and works as a general Pediatrician. In addition he is Chairman of the Hospital Ethics Committee, Chairman of the Human Subjects Committee, and Chairman of the University's Bioethics Advisory Committee.
Author: Norman Fost, MD, MPH
Runtime: 60 minutes
Rights: This is a work of the United States Government. No copyright exists on this material. It may be disseminated freely.
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