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Realty Services Letters Overview

Gary D. Roberts
(202) 501-4356
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Realty Services Letters (RSLs) transmit changes in realty policy and procedures to GSA realty practitioners. RSLs may be developed in response to initiatives such as new legislation, Executive order, internal agency policy, audit findings, protest decisions, etc. Some RSLs are developed in conjunction with other PBS offices such as Office of Real Property Asset Management, Office of the Chief Architect, General Counsel, etc. These policies are mandatory for GSA and for agencies operating under delegations from GSA, when they implement laws, executive orders, and regulations. Other RSLs are no longer mandatory, but are retained for reference as good business practices. RSLs have a sunset provision; each summer, GSA reviews the letters to determine their continuing applicability.

  • NEW since August 1, 2008    - The following Realty Services Letters were issued after July 25, 2008. Unless otherwise mentioned within a Letter, these procedures and practices are mandatory. RSLs often cover more than one subject, and there may be more than one RSL that applies to a particular subject with the latest modifying some portion of an earlier issuance. It is the responsibility of the Realty Professional to be familiar with each RSL.
  • Letters Reissued and Effective  - The following Realty Services Letters were issued prior to July 25, 2008. They have been reviewed and been determined to be necessary, and their expiration dates have been extended. Unless otherwise mentioned within a Letter, these procedures and practices are mandatory. RSLs often cover more than one subject, and there may be more than one RSL that applies to a particular subject with the latest modifying some portion of an earlier issuance. It is the responsibility of the Realty Professional to be familiar with each RSL.
  • RSL Good Practices Library (Optional) - The following Realty Services Letters have been reviewed and been determined to be non-mandatory, however they may provide useful historical information on regulatory and procedural changes and include good business practices that may continue to be referenced for optional use.