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Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge and Friends of IroquoisNational Wildlife RefugeApprove Projects for 2008!
Northeast Region, October 17, 2007
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On October 17, 2007 the board members for the Friends of Iroquois NWR, Inc. approved projects for the Fiscal Year 2008 worth an estimated value of $24,500 to help benefit  Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge! The Friends of Iroquois NWR have made significant contributions to the refuge both financially as well as volunteer time in the past and FY 2008 will be no exception.

Friends will support special events including helping celebrate the refuge's 50th anniversary in May 2008. Other projects include publication of refuge brochure, helping with the  Comprehensive Conservation Plan, providing for assistance in interpretive programs, signs for special events, and a display for the refuge's 10,000 year-old elk antlers. As part of this year's budget, the Friends have designated a set-aside fund for rehabilitating/replacing the existing refuge office building, which houses the Friends book store. This money will help match any Federal funds.

Additionally, the Overlook, The Friends of Iroquois NWR's news letter will be published quarterly now instead of twice a year.

Contact Info: Thomas Roster, 585/ 948-5445,

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