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Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge's Second Youth Conservation Corps Program a Great Success
Northeast Region, September 1, 2007
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 The Youth Conservation Corps program at Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge took place from June 11 to August 3. Four enrollees and a crew leader were hired from the local community. The crew worked for 8 weeks on various refuge projects, including the construction of over 200 feet of ADAAG boardwalk on one of the refuge's most used trails, construction of a new refuge kiosk in a previously unmarked parking area, and over 300 feet of ADAAG walkway around the visitor center. Enrollees also participated in a variety of biological projects, including invasive species control, surveys for threatened species, and species inventories.  Enrollees assisted biologists in documenting four state wildlife species of concern from the refuge. 

In addition to their work at the refuge, enrollees took two environmental education field trips. During one trip, the crew visited the U.S.D.A. Plant Materials Center in Alderson, WV (where the crew learned about the role of native plants in restoration projects and assisted with transplanting shrubs) and also stopped at the White Sulphur Springs National Fish Hatchery (where the crew learned about propagation of fish and endangered mussels and assisted hatchery staff with a stream clean up).  The second field trip was to Patuxent National Wildlife Refuge, where enrollees assisted the Patuxent YCC crew with invasive plant control and learned about whooping crane research. The second trip also included a visit to the National Aquarium in Baltimore, MD, where enrollees learned about different watersheds and many different amphibians, fish, and invertebrates.


Contact Info: Ken Sturm, 304-866-3858,

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