NFRA masthead

what's new?

It's official!  President Obama has signed the Public Lands Bill, HR 146, into law.  After eight long years, we finally have authorization for the IOOS program!   Congratulations to all.  This is a major step forward for us.

Read the full bill

Please take a moment to thank your congressional members and to send out press releases noting the occasion.

about nfra

We represent the Regional Associations (RAs) formed to meet the diverse needs of local and regional users throughout the US. NFRA and the RAs work to increase access to ocean and coastal information.

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position announcement

NERACOOS seeks Executive Director
The Northeast Regional Association for Costal Ocean Observing Systems, a non-profit organization based in Narragansett, RI, seeks a dynamic leader to serve as its founding Executive Director. Read More

communication resources

Get assistance in presenting the Ocean Observing message to the world in the new Communication Resources section of this site, which includes the new IOOS logo, the Communications Toolkit, and a classy presentation template. These products are designed to make it easy for you to communicate about IOOS and its goals.

what's happening?

Use this map to learn more about the information and activities available in your region.