The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Figure 3 - Comparison of the Net Change for the Total Workforce and
Employees with Targeted Disabilities
Percentage Change from FY 1994 to FY 2003
FY 1994 FY 1995 FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003
Total Workforce -1.05 -2.26 -1.45 -2.3 -0.22 -0.72 -0.45 0.2 0.71 -1.27
Employees with Targeted Disabilities -4.91 -1.57 -4.56 -4.21 -2.22 -1.55 -1.34 -1.46 -2.25 -2.59

This page was last modified on May 14, 2004.

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